Chapter 72

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“Breathe Pauline.”  Kandii coaxed her friend.

Pauline had been in labor for eleven hours and she was finally ready to deliver.  “I am trying!  Why don’t you just git the hell out of here!”  Pauline snapped.

“I would, but you asked me to be in the delivery room.”

“I changed my mind!”

Kandii laughed softly.  She felt bad for Pauline.  She was trying to think of some other encouraging things to say to her when the Doctor walked in.

“How are you feeling Pauline?”  He asked in a gentle voice.

“Like a hog that’s about to die!  Doc…get this child out of me now or so help me god, I will slap you so hard that your Mamma will feel it.”

The Doctor’s eyebrow’s shot up.  “Let me take one quick peek.”

He lifted up her gown and checked to see how far she was dilated.  “You have reached ten centimeter’s.  Are you ready to push?”

“Does a cow like to graze?  Honey yes!”

“On three I want you to push okay Pauline?”

“Remember to find your focal point.”  Kandii added in.

“Aww hell…screw you and screw you too!”  Pauline yelled as she bore down with all of her might.

“You’re doing just fine.  A few more pushes and she will be out.” 

Twelve hours after they had arrived, Pauline was finally holding her Daughter.

“Isn’t she just precious Kandii?”  Pauline oohed and awed over the baby.

“She is.”  Kandii agreed.

The baby’s hair was a soft brown color just like Pauline’s.  She was still pink all over, but Kandii guessed that she wouldn’t not get very brown at all.

A nurse came in and told Pauline that they had to take the baby away to weigh and clean her.  She then asked Kandii to step out for a bit.  The Doctor had to stich Pauline up.

“I’ll be back soon ok?”  Kandii said, kissing Pauline’s check.  “You did awesome!  Mommy!”

“Thank you for everything Kandii.  I mean it from the bottom of my heart.”

Kandii was almost out of the room when she heard the Doctors voice boom out “Code red!”

She turned around and witnessed Pauline’s small frame shaking violently. 

“What’s wrong with her?”  She screamed.  The same Nurse that had asked her to leave just moments before appeared at her side.

“You have to go Miss.  Now!”  She gave Kandii a nudge.

“I want to know what the fuck is going on!” 

“Tell me right now!”

“I don’t know.”  The Nurse said.  “Please just lets us do our job!  I am wasting valuable time here, trying to get you to leave ma’am.”

Kandii knew that she was right.  She opened the door and ran out of the room.  She ran as fast as she could.  People gave her odd looks as she hurried down the hallway to the waiting area.

“Devin.”  She panted.

“What’s wrong Kandii?”  He asked as he sit down the magazine he had been thumping through.

“Pauline… something…I don’t know,” She wheezed out.

“Come sit baby.”  He guided her to a chair.

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