Chapter 58

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Nita had been watching Kandii hard.  She noticed that she had painters over.  Why?  What was she having painted?  She spoken to her directly in months.  

This is not what she wanted.  She had wanted to be Kandii's own personal abscess.  Hurting her slowly, until she erupted into sudden pain.

..But no!  The bitch was playing hardball.  She hadn't broke done and called her once.  Nita didn't count on that either.  The old Kandii. The one that she knew oh so well, she’d of called two months ago.  She'd of tried to make things right.

"Fucking everything up for me."

Of course, Nita could not stroll her miserable ass across the street.  Then what?  What was she to say?  "Hey Kandii, I'm just coming over to be nosy, I don't like you anymore but..."  Her attention was on the small gray pickup truck. She needed to know what was going on, she just had to know.  She ran into the kitchen and yanked out her half full trash bag, out of the bin.

"Fuck it!"

She slung the bag over her shoulder and headed outside.  You would of thought she was the pink panther the way she was creeping about.  She lingered by her huge outdoor trashcan. Pretending to be busy picking up, unseen trash off her front lawn.  Her eyes remained locked on Kandii's house and she was happy as hell when she saw two white men come out.

She waited but she didn't see Kandii follow them out.  Nita quickly ran across the street. She slowed down when she hit the bottom of Kandii's driveway.  Her heart was pounding.  She was excited.  Hopefully, she wouldn't get busted and that would make it all the better.

"Excuse me Sir?"

She walked up to the older of the two.  He would obviously be in charge she thought.  She smiled at him and lowered her lashes.  His broad face split into a grin.


"How do you do", he said as he took her hand into his.

"I'm well thank you.  I saw your truck and…thought I'd come over, see my kitchen could use an update."  Nita smiled at him.

"Well, that's fine Ma'am.  I'm Bill O'Hare and this young man is my grandson Bobby."  He ruffled the teen’s hair affectionately.  Bobby mumbled nice to meet you.  Speak up now son.  Mind your manners.  Bobby squinted his eyes and said "nice to meet you a bit louder."

"Do you have a card or something that I can take Bill?"  Nita kept looking past him, praying that Kandii didn't step outside.  She watches as he open the trucks door and dug around.  After a few moments, he handed her the dirty business card that he had fished out.

"Thanks, I'll definitely be using this.  I don't want to hold you two up, thank you again for the card."  She turned and took a few small steps away from them.  Suddenly she stopped and slapped her forehead lightly.

"Oh... hey what did Kandii have done?  I'd hate to choose a similar color or something."  She grinned as she walked back to them.  The old man was half way into the truck.  He looked at Nita and scratched his head.

"Uh... well she had..."

Nita had leaned in close to him, somewhat invading his persona space.  

"What?  She had what done?"  The man started to speak again when his grandson cut him off.  

"She had us paint her living room."

"Her living room huh?  That's nice."

"I guess, he mumbled."

"Well I'm off now," she said as she tapped the small card.

"Cya," Bobby said.

Bill got into the truck all the way and started it.  Turning to his grandson, he asked him why he lied.  He was shocked when Bobby said that he did not trust the woman.  When he thought about it more he was not shocked at all.  

They agreed that the woman had a bad vibe and that something was off about her.  "Gramps, I think we should go tell her, something just. Is weird."  Bill looked at his grandson.

He had felt it too.  The sudden unease, especially when he shook her hand but he didn't know if going back and bothering the nice lady, over something as trivial as a feeling, was a good idea.  

"I say we just leave it alone."  He put the truck in reverse and started to slowly back up, when Bobby slid out.

"Bobby!  Come back here!” he yelled.

Bobby ran up Kandii's walkway and rung the bell.  Impatient he rang it again.  His finger was poised to press the damn thing again when she finally opened the door.

"Bobby?" She said as her brow furred.

"Ma'am…there was this lady and…she was asking questions and..."

He ran his fingers through his hair and looked down at his converse.  Maybe this was not such a good idea.  He felt like an idiot.

"What lady?"  Kandii asked as she poked her head of the door, scanning the street.  She didn't see anyone, but the kid looked upset.

"Bobby. What’s wrong hon?"

"A lady come over to me and gramps.  She was asking about what you had painted…I don't know.  I know it’s weird but…she was weird.  Like she weirded me out!  Not just me…gramps too."  He said with conviction.

"Which direction did she come from?"

Bobby tilted his head backwards and gave a subtle nod towards across the street.


"Fuck, she seethed inside."

So many things crossed her mind, what did she see?  Did she find out anything?  Did they tell her anything?

Bobby was good at reading faces and from the way Kandii's was scrunched up, it was easy to tell what she was thinking.

"I told her you had your living room painted.  She took one of gramp's cards,” he said as an afterthought.

Kandii sighed with relief.  "Thanks Bobby, your right she is a weirdo and I appreciate this information."

Satisfied that he had done something good Bobby left.

Kandii watched as they backed out and honked at her.  She smiled, waved, and then quickly closed her front door.

Nita dropped the slat in her blind back down.

"Interesting. Very interesting."

She had a feeling Kandii was hiding something and she was just the bitch to find out what.



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