Chapter 61

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"Thank you for your time Mr. Williams.  If you do not hear from the County in two weeks, then please contact us. "

Devin nodded grimly at the Woman.  Her line of questionings were very direct.  Almost brutal in his opinion.  He was happy to see her go.

He had been at the hospital all night and Sharon had yet to return any of his phone calls.  He tried to focus on the situation at hand but it was difficult.  It was damn near 4 am.  Where the fuck was his wife?

All that was left for him to do was sign a few more forms and he could take his son home.  The fact that he could even take him home was a miracle.  The C.P.S woman almost did not let it happen.  He had to beg and plead.  She made sure to inform his that he was now being "watched."  That did not sit well with him.  The way she said it made him feel as if she could come scoop up his child at any given point.

On top of that, she informed him that another C.P.S worker would be visiting them sometime during the week.  When he had asked what day the woman had laughed at him.  "Just be available Mr. Williams."

The red tape was never ending.


Devin turned around and smiled as soon as he saw his son.  "We got him into his coat for you.  You’re free to take him home now."  She nuzzled the baby before handing him over to him.  He bid her thanks and carefully put his son into the car seat.

Should he even go home?  He was pretty sure that he'd kill Sharon.  He had never beat on a woman before...but shit, she deserved it.  He decided to go home.  He needed sleep.  

He did not expect to find Sharon at home and she was not.  He opted to keep the baby with him.  He let him rest in his car seat while he changed into a pair of pajama pants.  His job was to protect him and protect him he would.  Devin locked the bedroom door.  Fuck Sharon.  He stacked pillows into a circle and gently placed the baby in the center.  He would watch over him, so that if he woke up Devin would be right there.

The blaring of his alarm woke him up a few hours later.


He immediately reached for the baby.  He smiled when he saw that the noise had woken his son up.  It was good to see those eyes looking alert.

"Morning little man.  I bet you’re hungry huh?"

The baby started to chew on his hand as if to say "Yeah don't I look hungry Dad?"

Devin didn't know what to do first.  His conference call via Skype was in an hour.  He picked up the baby and headed into the on suite bathroom.  Might as well kill two birds with one stone.  Trying to bathe with a baby proved to be harder then he thought.  For starters, he was slippery and wiggly.  Devin washed him with Sharron's Dove body wash.  He figured that was better than using his Axe.

Half way through the bath the baby started to shit. Devin had to scramble out of the tub and try to aim his little butt over the toilet.  The medicine that the hospital gave him must have given him the runs shit gushed out of him.  

It took Devin another twenty minutes to re wash them both.  He had wrapped a towel around him and none for himself.  He had used the others to try to clean up the mess.  He sprinted naked out of his bedroom, down the hall to the baby's room.  He applied some ointment onto the baby's rash, diapered him and dressed him within a few minutes.

With the baby on his hip, Devin made his way into the kitchen to fix him a bottle.  He scanned the area.  Everything was in its place.  His wayward Wife had not come home last night. Anger seeped into his very being.  The slut was cheating on him.  That's what she was doing.  She was fucking cheating on him while the goddamn Nanny was poisoning his child.

Angrily he tested the temperature of the formula.  Seemed about right.  Devin switched his holding position of the baby and fed him with one had as he went about making a pot of coffee. The small led numbers displayed 7:24 am.

Devin growled.  


He had exactly six minutes until his meeting started.  He fast walked to his office and powered up his PC. Realizing that he still had his son in his arms he skirted down the hallway to his room and laid him in his crib.  He protested only a little when Devin pulled the nipple out of his mouth.

Having one minute to spare Devin hurried back to his office and logged onto his Skype account.  Almost immediately, a call came in from his potential client.

"Mr. Ferguson, good morning and thank you for meeting with me.  I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to show you how I can benefit your company."

Devin smiled his best business smile.  He was thinking that, that was a great opening line.  Until he saw the screen drop.

"What the hell!"

He had assumed that the call had dropped and he panicked.  He saw that Mr. Ferguson was still online but before he could send him a message, he received one.

"What kind of man comes to a video interview naked?  I speak on behalf of my company when I say that, we are no longer interested."

Devin looked down and yes, there it was. His dick was on display. He started at his member for a moment and then glanced at the screen.  How... did he forget to get dressed? It was so stupid of him that he had to laugh.

As he thought of an appropriate apology, he heard Sharron's voice.  He jumped up out of his chair and made his way to her.  All thoughts of being naked forgotten.



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