Chapter 44

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Kandii had not been able to get a hold of Devin.  She picked up her phone for what had to of been the tenth time.  Half hoping that somehow, she had a text or a missed call from him.  

Why was he avoiding her?  She had driven by his house numerous times only to discover that his car still was not there.  It was Friday and she had the whole weekend off and had not a damn thing to do.  She hadn't bothered to call Nita.  All of her co-worker’s already had plans.  She was on her own.

She picked up her phone and scrolled down until she saw her cousins TT's number.  Rolling her eyes as she listened to the music play out.

"Sup." TT greeted her.

"Hey cousin, I was wondering if you were doing anything tonight.”

She heard her suck her teeth.  "Bitch how you ain't called me in all this fucking time, now you calling me on some hey cuzzo shit.  Bitch you so wack!"  

That's not what Kandii expected to hear.  She had assumed that TT would be happy to hear from her.  

"Well damn, Kandii huffed.  Why are you acting like that?  I was just calling to see how you were doing.”

"Nuh uh Kandii.  Ya ass must be lonely.  You always use me ma.  I'm not good enough to keep in contact with but soon as ya ass lonely you call a bitch.

That's the shit I don't like,” she yelled.

Damn do I really act like that?  Kandii silently questioned herself.

"Yes bitch you really do."

"Come again?"  Kandii asked.

Feeling agitated she reached for a cigarette.  TT must have had the same urge.  They both lit their cigarettes at almost the exact same time.

"I know yo ass was wondering if you act like that, I'm telling you that you do."

“TT are you drunk?”  Kandii asked her.

Even though she was sure, she was not.

"Naw hoe I ain't drunk,yet. Why someone always have to be high or drunk when they spit the truth to you?  Tell me that Kandii.”

Kandii took a long drag of the Newport before replying to her.  "TT, I think you’re trippin.  You just don't get me.  Not everything is about you, I have a life also..shit."

"Really?  So, now a bitch has a life.  Yea OK Kandii.  Hold on a sec.”

Kandii stubbed out her cigarette.  "Pissin me off.,” she muttered.  

She got up and went into her bedroom.  Opening her closet, she took out her small suitcase.  She was certain that TT was going to bitch for a bit longer then tell her to come on over.  

She tossed in a new dress that she had purchased the other day.  Along with a pair of red bottoms that she had been pining away for.  After she had zipped up her small suitcase and pulled up the handle, she rolled it into the living room.  Still on hold.

“What the fuck,” Kandii screamed, after a solid 30 minutes had passed.  She quickly hung up the phone and hit TT's name again.  

"Yea?”  TT answered.

"Um did you forget that I was on hold?"  

TT laughed.  “I kinda did but anyway, what’s your address woman?”

"My address?"  Kandii's heart rate suddenly sped up.

"Yea Ima come stay with you for the weekend.  Oh and I am bringing a couple friends is that cool?  That's why I had you on hold so long, I was trying to pull together these plans."

"Plans...."  Kandii said as her nose wrinkled.

"Give me your fucking address hoe.” TT demanded of her.  Kandii rattled off her address.

"So, uh who's your friends?  She asked.  

TT giggled.  Instantly Kandii tried to think of a way to get her to not come.  The bitch was up to something.

"Man don't worry about all of that!  We are gonna have so much fun though.  Just be dressed by 9pm.  I'll swing by pick you up and then were going out."

"Fuck!  TT..wait.  Going out where?"  It was too late.  TT had hung up on her.  

She wanted to cry real tears.  Her throat felt tight and her stomach was in knots.  Needing someone to lean on she called Nita.

"Nitaaaaaaa."  She yelled into the phone.  She told her everything that had happened.  

Word for word.  She didn't pause to take a breath as her lips flew a mile a minute.



“That's what you called me for?  Like... that is it?”  Nita half sighed, half grunted.

"I mean I wanted to tell you what was going on."  Kandii said slowly.  Suddenly she wondered if calling Nita had been her second mistake of the day.

"Whatever Kandii."  

“You want me to come with ya'll?”

Kandii screamed yes and instantly started to talk about what she was going to wear.  She told Nita to bring over her clothes and get ready at her place.  She was going to mix them up a nice cocktail, so that when her cousin arrived shed be very mellow.  If not tipsy.



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