Chapter 48

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It had been a few days since the horrible scene at the club.  Kandii had to take a small leave from work.  Thankfully, she had some sick time available and was able to cash out on a week.

She still had not spoken to Nita, even though Nita had tried to call her at least forty times.  The bitch even had the nerve to come over.  Kandii ignored her.

What kinda friend does that?  True they had their ups and downs but to let her get stomped?  Not even jumping in?  Moreover, TT, her own flesh and fucking blood!  That whore left her high and dry.  

Kandii had started to spiral into a depression.  Devin was still missing in action.  She had made the trip to his home at least three times.  Each time the disappointment was deeper.  To top everything off she was sick as hell.

Her couch was her new best friend.  Between puking her guts up and having severe stomach cramps, she was miserable as hell and felt like she was dying.  

Kandii stretched and yawned.  Her growling stomach was annoying her.  Could she eat?

She wondered.

 It was when she was in the kitchen fixing herself a bowl of soup when she heard her phone ring.

She slammed the microwave door shut quickly and ran back into the living room.  It took her a few moments to locate her phone.  She finally found it behind a cushion.  Out of breath and pissed off she answered.


"Hey it’s me...I’m sorry I haven't been around.

 I had went out of town to try to get my mind right."

Kandii's heart leapt up into her chest.  Devin had finally called her.  Only she didn't know what to say to him.  She was pissed off that she couldn't reach him but she knew that if she snapped out, He'd hang up.

"Hey baby," She purred.

"I was wondering if I could come over.  We could order something.  I really need to talk to you Kandii.  Face to face.” He said in a somber tone.

"Sure boo, when were you thinking about coming over?"

He told her that he could be there within an hour.  Elated she tossed down her phone and started to straighten up.  Spraying febreeze and lighting a few candles.  She even dimmed the lights and turned the TV to a jazz music station.

She had just showered and changed when she heard the doorbell.  She glanced at her bedside alarm clock.  He was early; still she decided to make him wait a few minutes.  She pulled back her long hair into a causal ponytail and spritzed on her Vera Wang perfume.  Adding just a dab of lip-gloss to her pouty lips and a slash of mascara to her long lashes.

Glancing into her vanity's mirror, she was satisfied that she looked good enough.  The doorbell rang a second time.  Kandii rushed down to let him in.  Her adrenaline was pumping as she pulled open the door and flashed a smile at him.

God, he looked sexy.  

"Hey there sexy, come on in."

“Thanks," He said as he walked past her and up the steps into her cozy living room.

"Why's it so dark in here Kandii?"

“I... well I thought I'd make it look romantic, you don't like it?”  She smiled at him.  Tapping the couch, she beckoned him to come over.  He gave her an odd look but he came and sat down next to her.


“I just bought this and It’s supposed to be really good.”  Kandii pulled the bottle out of the bucket of ice that it was sitting in.  Turning the bottle so that the label faced him.  When he didn't answer her right away she slid the bottle back into the holder.

"What’s wrong Devin?  You look upset.”

"What happened to your face?" He asked as he leaned in and traced his fingertips just under her slightly swollen eye.

"Ah. It’s nothing."

“Let’s talk about you!  I've been trying to reach you and..well, where have you been Devin?

I called you at least a dozen times.  No one had seen you and I was beginning to get worried.

Are you okay?"  She asked him as she scooted closer to him.  It bothered her when he subtly scooted away from her.

"Kandii... look, I don't know how to say this.  

Uh, maybe I'll have a glass of wine after all.”  He watched her pour out the crisp auburn colored liquid.  Thanking her, he took the glass from her and took a long slow sip.

"I married Sharon."

Stunned Kandii missed her glass making the wine slosh onto her table.

"What the fuck did you just say?  She turned her body to face him and the expression on her face was pure hatred.  I know you did not just tell me that you married that slut."

"Kandii... just hear me out. I realized that I love Sharon.  She is going to be the mother of my child.  My first and only child.  I know that she’s not perfect..hell who is?  But, I've fallen in love with her.  This is why you haven't been able to reach me for the last month.”

“We flew down to Trinidad and I met her family.  We decided to get married.  She’s eight months pregnant you know.  It’s a boy."

Kandii's jaw dropped and her heart literally shattered.  Married?  

To that conniving cunt?  He had the nerve to look...happy.  Like what he had just said didn't ruin her whole fucking life.  He gulped down his wine and she continued to stare at him.  This had to be a joke.

"Am I being punked?"  She asked softly.

“You’re really married to her?”  She looked at his hand and there it was.  A thick platinum or white gold band that had small diamonds encrusted into it.


"I'm so sorry.  I know I should have told you but Kandii it all happened so fast.  

I just wanted to come by and talk to you face to face.  I do love you and I always will but I have to do what’s right for me.  Sharon is what is right for me.  She’s a beautiful successful woman and soon the mother of my child."

“That's so fucking sweet Devin.”

“When we were together, you didn't want kids, now all of the sudden you want to be father of the MOTHER FUCKING year!  

Fine.  That's just fan fucking tastic.  Good luck.  


She knew that he felt bad. It was written all over his face.  She just didn’t give a shit. He had hurt her.  Again.  How many times could one man destroy her life?  She felt the same as she did, the day she had come home and he had packed his shit.

"Get out of my house Devin."  

“I'm sure your slut is waiting on you.”

"There's no need to be crude Kandii,” He said as he slowly stood up.  I'll go.

“Can I have a hug goodbye at least?"

Before she could say hell, no he had walked up on her and started to hug her tightly.  Her arms were stiff at the sides of her body and she felt like puking.  She refused to cry.  They stayed that way, in that awkward embrace until he gripped her upper arms and gently stepped back from her.

"Be well Kandii."

That was it.  That's all he said before he turned and left.  What could she do?  Her body vibrated with suppressed rage.  Kill him.  That is what she wanted to.  Run into the kitchen and grab a butcher’s knife.

Stab his black ass.  Let him bleed out in her drive way.

"Naw," She said out-loud.

I'm going to fuck you up Devin and I need you alive for that.  She vowed to ruin his life in that moment.  The moment that he said "be well."

Lets see how long you will, be well asshole.



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