Chapter 24

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It had been 8 weeks since Kandii saw Devin.  She had already gotten word from Sharon that he did in fact file.  Before her at that.  Now it was a waiting game, with her waiting to see if Ms. Paid lived up to her name or not.

She missed her husband, more so she missed his money.  She had received an eviction notice yesterday and to make matters worse, Rent A Room had come looking for her today. She evaded them by simply ignoring the door.  How long can that last?

Her nosey ass neighbor Mrs. Perkins had already came by. Bitch was pretending to visit. Everyone knew that Mrs.P's only goal in life was to peek out the little slots in her blinds.

Never one to be down but not out Kandii had been thinking of ways to get Devin's ass good. Key his car? Bust out his windows? Take a dump in a paper bag and light it, tossing it in front of his door.  Those were all great things.  Would be better if she knew where he lived.  Seemed as if Devin just dropped the fuck off.  He had changed his cell number.

The mail was not being forwarded.

They did not have friends in common and he worked from home.  

How in the hell was she supposed to find him?

The childish side of her relished all of the pranks she could play on him. The devious side of her fantasied about revenge that was best served like wine (Old and Cold.) Then there was the sensitive side of her.

The side that no one really knew or saw.  Her compassion and epiphany.  She tucked it away as a mother tucks a blanket around a baby.  Not even Devin knew that side of her.

What would it take for me to be happy? Kandii silently wondered. Monetary gain? That would be lovely but would it be enough? Not likely. She had never experienced true unadulterated happiness. Kandii often deemed it impossible.  Just some fantasy shit that people said to make them feel better.  She was a firm believer that deep down everyone was miserable.  Just as she was.

"Fuck that could always go to the gym,” she said aloud.

Lose a few pounds and get my body back.

"Bitch who you foolin?"

"When did you ever have a body?"

She leaned against her dresser and studied her reflection.  "If I keep talking to myself I might go crazy."

“It's cool as long as I don't answer myself...right?"

Kandii shook her head and smiled.  "I'm damn sure going bonkers."

She debated on calling Nita then decided against it.  Nita had been acting kind of funky lately. Maybe it had something to do with her new friend (Sharon). Whatever the case Nita had damn sure been tossing shade her way.

She could do without that. Kandii plopped on her bed and cracked open her laptop.  A good game of spades sounded good to her.  It was something to do.  While her game was loading, she noticed a pop up advertising a new chat site.

 It boasted having over a million users.  

Forgetting all about her game of spades, she clicked it.  Little did she know how caught up she was about to be...

Copyright © 2013


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