Chapter 41

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Kandii sped into her driveway so fast that she barely missed slamming into her garage.  She sat there heart racing.  Her slender fingers curled around the steering wheel as if her life depended on it.  Devin. Sharon.

Devin and Sharon.

That no good nigga and his filthy slut.

That lying deceiving bastard and his concubine.

"I knew it was too good to be true,” She mumbled.

Kandii got out of her car slowly and entered her home zombie like.  Arms hanging limp at her sides. Feet shuffling at a slow uneven pace.  Once inside she headed for her long lost best friend.  

The refrigerator.

She violently swung the duel doors open and just stared.  She didn't have shit sweet.  No cookie dough, no ice cream, cake...nothing.

She improvised.

She slammed the door and walked over to her small pantry.  She found what she was looking for a small bottle of Goya honey.  Kandii dug right on into it.  Relishing the sticky sweetness but wishing that it were icing or better yet, Redi Whip.

"Mfh," She grunted as she licked the last of the nectar off her finger.  True enough she knew that today was "Fuck a Nigga up day" but she had not expected Sharon to be there.

Sharon with her perfect body.

Sharon with her thick head of non-synthetic hair.

Sharon with her ex Husbands child growing inside of her womb.

Kandii remembered all of their conversations about starting a family.  It was never the right time for them.  Something always seemed to happen that made starting a family seem impossible.  She sighed and tossed the empty container into the trash.  

She was still slightly wet from fighting them.  She started to peel off her clothes until she was stark naked.  She had just bent down when she heard his voice.


Here in her house?  She whirled around and there he was mouth agape.  The lust was evident in his eyes. It had been a long time since he had seen her naked.  

She didn't try to cover herself.  Why should she?  She had worked hard for this body.

"Kandii... I can explain."

"That's what every nigga that fucks up says Devin!  I can explain, humph."

He took a few steps closer to her.  "No seriously, I can explain for real.  I had told her that it was over.  The last time I saw her we had a huge fight.  Stop looking at me like that!” He yelled.

“I know what you’re thinking.  You think that it is just the baby situation, that turned me off.  It wasn't Kandii.”

Her heart sped up as he neared her.  She backed against the counter.  The coolness of the granite made her shiver slightly.  Her eyes opened up wider as he continued to step forward.  Until he was close, very close.  Too damn, close to her.

"You knew that she was in my life.

Wait!”  He demanded as her mouth opened to give him a snappy retort.

“I also told you that I was done with her and I meant it.  Because of you. For you.  These couple of months, that we have been talking has made me realize how much I've missed you.  You helped me to remember baby.  I remembered how much I had loved you.  What I had loved about you.

Leaving you was a mistake."

He leaned forward and kissed her so softly. So tenderly.  That she was helpless.  All she could do was wrap her arms around his thick neck and pull him closer to her.  Kandii moaned when his tongue slipped deeper into her mouth.  Her hands traveled to his biceps and she squeezed them.  

Devin slid his own hands to her plump backside.  Where he loving caressed and palmed her cheeks.  He lifted her up and in one motion.  Those cheeks where now on top of the counter.  Devin pulled down his jeans quickly.  His huge dick was pulsating and aimed directly at her.

Kandii licked her lips and moaned.  She slowly slid her hands down her body until she reached her sculpted V.  She looked at him and she spread her pussy lips apart.  Showing him the cream filled center.

"I'ma make your ass tap out,” She purred.

Devin looked at her wet slit and lost any other thought. Grabbing her hips effortlessly, he slid right into her tightness.  She moaned loudly as her nails dug into his lower back.  

He took half a step back and started to stroke her clit with his thumb.  He stroked her slowly.  With every thrust, his thumb flicked against her hardened bud.

"Make me what?  Tap out?  Oh no baby,” He said with a chuckle.

Kandii leaned back more.  Hell, his dick was long enough to allow her to.  She lifted her legs and tilted her body so that she was at an angle.  Devin had a glorious view as he pushed and pulled inside of her.  Her tightness was killing him.  He didn't remember her pussy feeling so good.

She started to massage her breasts, all the while looking at him.  She was close... so fucking close to Cumming that she was about to lose it.  Devin met and locked in on her eyes as he rammed his 9 inches into her, harder. Faster.

When Kandii pushed up one perfect breast and started to suck on her own nipple.  He lost it.  He roughly pulled her legs down and open.  

Resting his palms against her inner thighs.  Forcing her to take his dick deeper.  She screamed his name over and over again as she exploded.

Devin groaned and grunted.  Moaning in response to her moans as his dick stretched inside of her.  He could feel her walls collapse down around him and that's all he needed.  Her name was the one he uttered as he came deep inside of her.

 Copyright © 2013


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