Chapter 17

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Kandii had stripped down, ready for a relaxing shower.   She was pissed off that Nita didn’t seem to concerned about her spending all of her money.  A nice shower would ease some of her stress she thought.

Walking into the bathroom, she rolled her eyes and sighed.

Damn she hated the wall length mirrors in the there.

What was once erotic and exotic.

Was now a torturous ordeal.

She showered quickly.

Only to get out and discover she left the towel on the bed.

"Give me a fucking break!”

Muttering under her breath, she walked back into the bedroom.

She snatched the towel off the bed and tried to wrap it around her body.

When it would not wrap she got mad.

"Stupid fucking small ass towels,

Like a damn hand towel."

In all reality, the towel was normal sized.

Kandii did not want to acknowledge, that it was she who had gotten bigger.

Still during her venting session, she accused the towel of somehow shrinking.

Flopping on the bed she, sighed.

A nice nap was in order.

After all, she did need her beauty rest. 

She closed her eyes and started to drift off. 

Thoughts of Devin popped into her mind.

 Tucking his pillow under her arms, she sighed with contentment. 

His pillow always smelled like Polo Black.

It was then that it hit her.

It was Sunday; Devin was always home by Sunday evenings.

He would go hang with his friends, shoot hoops or what not.  Then he would come home.

Sitting upright, she picked up her phone and called him.

She was all too eager to cuss him out.

The line rang once then went to voice mail.

“No the fuck he didn't!”  She yelled.

Everyone knew that when you called someone and the phone rang once,

Then went to voice mail. 

That you had been "Rejected".

When the call immediately went to voice mail,

 you knew right away that the phone was either shut off or dead.

She called him back, determined to get a hold of him.

When the same thing happened, she threw the phone down.

Only to pick it up and call again. 

This time she left a message...


 I don't know what the fuck you’re doing.

Or who the fuck you think you are.  You did not reject me did you?

Because if you did, when you get home Ima fuck you all the way up nigga. 

I am not the one to play with!  What you need to do is respect me.

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