Chapter 8

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"I can’t believe this shit Kandii!"

 Devin growled as he watched his wife pack a suitcase.

"Vegas really and without me?"

“Oh Calm down Devin it’s just for the weekend."

"Right,” he boomed.

"The whole damn weekend.

What am I supposed to do?" 

Besides that, how can you even afford to go?”  He questioned her.

"I got a new credit card baby,” she chirped.

“They gave me a five grand limit.” She stated proudly.

"They must be crazy!”  He yelled.

“Common babes you owe everyone already."

“Let’s be smart, you aren’t even working."

  Kandii zipped up her pink suitcase in a flash.

"So the fuck what Devin?"

“Oh so because I'm not working I can never do shit?”

She hefted up her suitcase, high tailing her behind to the staircase.

“Common now!  That’s not what I mean."

He followed her downstairs.

"All, I'm saying is that you haven’t worked in like six months."

“I thought you were going back?”  He said in an accusing tone.

"Well nigga like I told you I’m applying for disability." 

“My back stay hurting me.”

Devin looked at his wife confused.

"Disabled are you crazy?"

“Kandii your thirty years old!

You’re a fucking nurse!”

You want to go from making good money to like seven hundred a month.

"Are you fucking sick?"

"Look Devin, I'm not trying to hear you right now.

 I can work part time after I'm approved.”

"Ooook!!”  She bellowed out.

"So, my income will be the fucking same.

What, I don’t need is you riding my fucking clit.

Nigga don’t forget when you didn’t have shit it was me that carried you.

"Now, that your making some money,

 Working from home I might add."  She sneered.

"You want to get brand new?"

Devin wanted to karate chop her in her fucking throat.

He was usually a quiet laid-back man

These last few years with her had changed him.

He was bitter.

Not only did she demean him.

She said what the fuck she wanted, when the fuck she wanted, how the fuck she wanted.

“I'm sick of this bitch,” he thought.

"You know what Kandii.  Your right."

“Go do you.  Have a fucking blast."

He stood there and shook his head. 

"Mmmk  boo boo I will."

“See ya on Sunday,” she said.

He watched as she hurried out the door.

Fucking cunt.

Copyright © 2013


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