Chapter 28

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Devin climbed into his car.   He was silent as he waited for Marko to get in. Fueled with a nervous energy his fingers strummed the steering wheel to a beat of their own,

"What the fuck man?

How many times do I have to tell you not to slam my door?"

"Damn it was an accident.” Marko mumbled.

 “Ain't like I did the shit on purpose.

Can I ask you something?”  He said as he watched Devin start the engine.  

“What really happened in there?  I know it’s none of my business but...”

"You’re right it isn't your business."  Devin snapped.

"I noticed that.  Is that the reason you had me sit at the bar?”

Devin sighed as he maneuvered onto the freeway.

"Marko, this is by no means personal but it had nothing to do with you.  Of course, I had you wait at the bar.  Did you think for a moment? Even a small one, that I’d let you sit with us.  I told you this was a business meeting.”

"No shit Sherlock.”  Marko said sourly.

"Then why even tell me I could roll with you?"

"Are you high?”  Devin turned to face him as he stopped for the red light.

“If you’re not high then you are just incredibly stupid. I'm tired man, the sooner I get home the better.”

"Yea OK."  Marko knew that Devin was holding something back and it did bug him.  

Devin use to tell him everything but now things were different.  Their relationship was different.

"The good news is I got me a couple numbers. Ki-Ki, Shauntay, Lona.  Shit if your meeting wasn't productive, mine sure was.” He stared straight ahead smiling.  

He caught Devin's lips turn up out the corner of his eye.  

"Aha!  Caught ya ass almost smiling.”  He playfully nudged him.

Devin chuckled.  "You never cease to amaze me man.  Tell me about the women that you met man.”


 Well, Ki-Ki.. She had on the tight red dress... Did you see her man?”

Devin nodded no.

"All I wanted to do was motor boat her ass.  

Me and those fun bags... ahhh the fun I'll be having.”

"Wait a second.”  Devin said as he pulled into their driveway.

"What happened to Stephanie... the woman from your job?"

"Oh her... “She left the firm.

Devin got out of the car and watched Marko jump out, daring him to slam his door again.  

“Why would she leave the firm? He father owns it does he not?   Then her fiancé worked there, doesn't make any sense."

"Hey I don't know why she left."  

Marko gave Devin a homie hug.  “I'm glad she’s gone though.  Those little (luncheon breaks) were getting risky.  Did I tell you that Thomas almost caught us one day?”

"No you never mentioned that."  Devin had his house key primed and ready.

"Yea man he just busted into my office one day.  Marko I need you to do some research for me.”

Devin laughed loudly.  “Why do you always put on "The white man’s voice” when you speak about him?”

"Fuck that yuppy!"

“Little did he know that I was doing research.

 I was investigating the inside of Stephanie's hot, tight, pink...”

"Uh huh.” Devin interrupted him.  

“I get the picture.”

Marko shrugged.  “She left a couple weeks after that.  I did think it was weird.  She went from calling me three, four, times a day to nothing.”

"Weird is right."  

“OK man I’m going in.  Call me tomorrow.  We'll get together.”  Devin said.

"Yea we need to.  It’s time your ass went out on a date.”

Devin smiled, if he only knew..

Copyright © 2013


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