Chapter 45

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Kandii peeked out from behind the curtains.  

“Hell no! Hell no and Hell to the no!”  She struggled between wanting to pretend not to be home and jumping off the balcony and running to freedom.  She did not hear Nita come up behind her.   She jumped as soon as Nita spoke.

"Damn Kandii, they got you on edge like that?  Nita giggled and pushed the curtain aside more.  

She smirked when Kandii ducked down.  

“Big Baby."  

“Kandii it seems as if they are almost to the door.  Let, me guess It's your cousin and her cronies.”

Nita looked down at Kandii.  “I think I see twins and from where I'm standing, girl they are hideous!”

“For fuck sake's!”  Kandii blurted out.  She stood up and smoothed out her black mini dress.  

“I cannot believe that she brought them to my fucking house.”  

"Looks as if she did."

“Who are they?”  Nita asked with a wide smile.

Kandii wanted to slap the smile off her cherry colored lips.  So much for Nita having her back.  Taking a deep breath Kandii quickly told Nita about Christal and Hennessy.  

In hushed tones she filled Nita in, telling her how she met them and why she disliked them.  But all Nita did was laugh.

"Christal and Hennessey?  Like the Champagne and Cognac?  Who names their children shit like that?”

“Kandii this shit is too funny! She said as she doubled over with laughter.  I can’t fucking wait!"  Kandii tried to shush her and that only made her laugh harder.

“Shut up bitch!  Stop laughing,” she hissed as she went to answer the door.  

“TT!”  She plastered on a grin and hugged her cousin.  She took a step back and her Jaw literally went slack.

"That's uh some outfit you got on cuzzo."  She squinted her eyes.  

TT had on a striped black and white dress. Or top, she didn't know which.  Hot pink neon fish net stockings and she was rocking a pair of thigh high stilettos.  The boots were jacked up.  TT had obviously slit the outer seams, to make more room Kandii guessed.  But when TT did a twirl and kicked up her leg. Oh, that was cute.

The red bottoms that are normally associated with Louboutin's was red nail polish.  Not even a good brand at that.  It has started to chip, revealing the true tan soles of the boots.  

TT laughed as the twins clapped and yelled "Werk it bish!"

After Kandii had uncrossed her eyes, she grabbed Nita's arm and pulled her out from the doorway.  

“This is my best friend Nita.  I invited her to come chill with us.”

Surprisingly enough Nita had pulled it together and said hello.

"So, TT we’re ready, where are we headed out to?"  It was then that the twins started to make a fuss.

"Damn, I guess were invisible huh sis?  I guess we not good nuff to be introduced."  Christal said as she flipped her much too long red weave.

"Uh Nita, this is Christal and her twin sister Hennesy. My cousin's friends.”

 “Nice to meet you.”  Nita said. Smiling at the ugly duo.  Both of the trolls said sup in union.

"Ermmm Kandii you ain't have to introduce us as twins ya know.”  Hennessy rocked from side to side.  

“We look exactly same so... Anyone with eyes can see that we twins."  

Kandii blinked a few times.  Was this chick for real?  Hennessy was at least 5'10 with a somewhat ok body.  But the face. All Kandii saw was a cross between a ram goat and Tyler Perry.

She also sported much too long weave.  It was jet black and made her look more fucked up.  The long nappish hair reached just below her ass cheeks.

Christal wasn’t any better.  Kandii guessed they did look similar.  As, Christal also resembled a ram goat but instead of Tyler Perry, add in Natalie Nunn from the bad girls club.  

They were both extremely dark skinned.  Christal was the shorter of the two.  At, best she was 5'5.  They both had on the exact same weave, only Christal’s was a shocking shade of red. The cherry on top was their eyes.  They each wore those god-awful cat eye contacts.  The ones that they had out in display, in the cheap hair stores.  

Yellowed eyed ugly ass panthers.

"Your right girl.  I guess we’re ready now though?"  Kandii looked over at TT.  

TT was preoccupied with texting someone.  She started to walk away from the group, heading to the car.

"Come on Nita. Kandi said as she fast walked to the car.  I just want this night over with.,” she whispered to Nita.

“Ha, you?”  Nita just shook her head and climbed into the back seat.  

She was sandwiched between the twin's armpits.  When she had protested the seating arrangements, the twin with the red weave politely told her “We not riding bitch."  All Nita could do was frown.



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