Chapter 49

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“Nita, don't look at me like that woman!  What was I supposed to do?  Turn, that sexy ass man down?  Hell you of all people know how much I've wanted him.  So, what...he’s done with Kandii once and for all, is that such a bad thing?

Gah say something!"

Sharon slammed her teacup down on the small table.  She had called Nita and invited her out to the "Tea Pot."  It was an up and coming cafe that served only tea and light pastry's.  

No, coffee or hard-core sandwiches, which was perfect for her.  In this late stage of her pregnancy.  Her Doctor had warned her about her coffee intake, so she had happened upon this cute little place a few months ago.  The varieties of tea were endless and all of the fresh baked pastries were absolutely, delicious.

"Where do I begin?  How did this even happen..I mean...

When did you two all of a sudden get serious?  The last I heard about it, Devin was ignoring you and not wanting to be in your life… or the baby's. So forgive me if I'm a bit taken aback Sharon."

"Exactly when did this happen?"

“We got married three weeks ago.  Devin and I had been spending allot of time together.  True enough he wasn't interested at first but when he saw how big I was getting and when I told him that the baby was a boy, something changed for him.  

Something for the better.  I guess he realized that a family was important to him. That I was important to him.

I mean you can keep looking at me as if I'm a Monster, if you want to Nita but dammed if I'm not a married Monster!"   She flashed her beautiful emerald cut two-karat ring to emphasis her point.  

Devin loved her and she loved him.  Anyone who wasn't on board needed to get the fuck off her ship.

"You mentioned that you guys got married in Trinidad?  Sounds exotic... Nita sighed.  

Okay fine give me the details!”  Before Sharon could rattle off the details, Nita interrupted her.

"Hey, wait.  Does Kandii know about this?  Nita, thought that it would be cute to call Kandii out of the blue.   Your ex Husband is married Girl!"  Mmmm she could almost taste Kandii's disappointment.

That's what the bitch deserved.  Always talking shit and being a fake as friend.  After everything that people had done for her.

Sharon talked around a banana muffin.  "Uh... huh yea.  Devin wanted to make sure that she heard it first from him so we went over there.”


“What, we?  Nita perked up.  Bitch tell me you didn't go over there!"

Sharon popped the rest of the muffin into her mouth.  "Why would I not go?  He is my Husband now.  I sat in the car while he had a little chat with her."

"OOO what did he say to her?"  Maybe Nita still get something useful out of this conversation after all.

"He didn't tell me."

“He just said that, that chapter of his life was now closed," Sharon shrugged.  

Really Nita I could not care less about the conversation they had.  Do you not see my ring?”  She held up her hand again and angled her ring so that the sun hit it just right.  “Ahh... what else matters?”

Nita was miffed.  This bitch was to goddamn happy!  How did she go from a bottom feeder to now Married..pregnant and fucking happy?  Pfff!

"So, I guess it don't bother you that he’s been fucking Kandii. Probably up until you tow got married."  It was Nita's turn to smirk around her teacup.  

“Shit, I don't know how y'all do it. Couldn't be me, nuh uh."

Sharon raised a perfectly arch brow at Nita.  "If you must know, I'm well aware of what my HUSBAND had been doing.  

What?  You think Devin didn't tell me he was screwing Kandii?  Woman please!  Like I said, I don't care.  Those days are over.  He’s mine now."

Sharon knew what Nita was doing.  Something had been off about her lately.  Maybe Kandii had rubbed off on her or something but she was being extremely fake.  Not, at all like the Nita she use to know.  The woman who wouldn't let anyone bad talk any of her friends.  

Funny how she was now the one running her mouth.  No, Sharon didn't know that Devin had been sleeping with Kandii.  Not later on in their relationship but she meant what she said.  

That wouldn't happen again, she was sure of it.  She provided Devin with everything that he could ever want or need.  Kandii who?

"So, later today a moving company will be moving my things into Devin's…  I mean "Our" house," She smiled.  

He has more space and the baby can have his own room. Don't you worry your pretty little head Nita, I'll be sure to invite you to the house warming/baby shower!”

Nita smiled politely.  This is some bullshit she thought.  She was surrounded by scheming Whores.  It just so happened that, men preferred whores.

That's how she took it.  She was taking all of this very personal but you know what they say,

"Get in where Ya fit in."

"I'd love that Sharon, just let me know when I'll be there with bells on."

"Of course you will." Sharon gave her a small fake smile.



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