Chapter 70

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Kandii and Devin sat at Pauline’s Kitchen table.  The love making session that they had shared. Turned into multiple love making sessions.

"I don't want y'all to leave."  Pauline was pouting.

"I know girl and I don't want to leave."  He does.  

She jerked her head toward Devin.

"Way to put me on the spot Kandii.  I think it is time that we have left.  We have been here for two weeks now.  You’re not sick of us yet Pauline?"  Devin joked.

"Oh no never!  I could have ya'll stay with me forever.

When you leave I'll just be lonely again."

Devin chuckled.  

He liked Pauline allot.  She was one of the nicest most genuine people that he had ever met.

"I'm going to start packing up the truck now baby."

"Okay."  Kandii smiled.

Pauline waited until Devin was out of ear shot before she spoke.

"So…baby huh?"  She teased.

Kandii blushed.  "Yeah."

"I think…Pauline, I really feel as if this whole bullshit drama situation has brought us closer together.  I have never stopped loving him and now that we have been intimate.  I know he loves me.  I just feel it."

Pauline nodded.  She did notice the way Devin was constantly touching Kandii.  He doted on her. She wished that she had a man like that.  She was incredibly lonely and she really didn't want her friend to leave.

Pauline started to cry softly.  She looked at Kandii and shrugged her shoulders.  

"I guess I'm just a big ol baby."

"Aww you’re not a baby sweetie.

You’re just going through some things."

Kandii had got out of bed quite a few nights because she heard Pauline crying.  It had become almost a routine for her.  To wake up and go fix them both a cup of tea and then sit on the sofa and chat.

"When is Rodney coming home?"

Pauline sighed.

She didn't know.  She was embarrassed.  She had spent all of this time building up their relationship. Building him up and he didn't even bother to come home.

"I don't know.  He called me this morning and said that he was on his way home.  I told him that ya'll were leaving mid-morning.  He promised me Kandii."

She sniffled.

"I'm so tired of being alone.  I don't have my family and Rodney is hardly ever here.  It’s like he got me this house and left me here.  I am starting to think that he does not love me.  Maybe he’s embarrassed by me."


"Common Pauline don't say that.  He has to love you.  Think of it this way.  He got you this house right?  That's telling you something."  

"Yes Kandii that's something but it’s not enough.  I am due any day now and he is never here.  He is the only one with a car.  I'm starting to feel trapped."

Kandii nodded.  What could she do?  Pauline had been so good to them.  She didn't want to leave her like this.  It just didn't seem right.  She had a plan.  Only she needed Devin's help.

"We will work something out boo.  Don't worry.  Can you do me a favor and watch little man for a few minutes?  I want to go see how much Devin has to load up."

Pauline brightened.  She had fallen in love with little Dj and was always eager to hold him.  It was good practice.

"Hand him to me honey.

 You know I can’t get enough of that handsome boy."

Kandii passed the baby to Pauline and then made her way outside.  She saw Devin staring off towards the tree line.  His back was turned to her and he seemed to be looking for something.  He started to walk forward when Kandii called his name.


What are you looking for?"

Either he could not hear her or he was ignoring her because he kept walking and soon disappeared into the woods.

"Hmm... that's weird."  Kandii said out-loud.

She stepped off the porch and walked to the truck.  Why did he have to park so far away from the house anyway?  Pauline had told him that he could park on the grass but Devin did not want to do that.

She passed the truck and headed in the direction that she saw Devin go.  Once she got close to the woods, she stopped.  She had saw way to many scary movies.

"Uh uh.  I ain't taking my ass into no woods.

Day light or not!"


She called out his name a few more times.  Something wasn't right but she let her fear of the woods rule her actions.  Kandii decided to go back to the house and wait for him.  If he did not come back within a few minutes she would be forced to go after him.

"Is everything OK?"  Pauline asked when Kandii walked back into the kitchen.

"I don't know girl.  Something isn't right.  I saw Devin looking at the woods like he was looking for something.  I called out his name but I guess he didn't hear me.  He walked into the woods.  I'm not up for following him."

"Is there like…bears or something in there?"  Kandii asked.  

The fear was evident on her face.

"Well. Since this area is more rural and out a bit from the city, I would say yes.  I've heard people talking about black bears."  Pauline admitted.

"Black bears!

Holy shit Pauline.  Aren't you afraid?"

Pauline giggled.

"Nope.  I'ma county girl K.  A bear is just another critter to me.  Have you ever tasted bear?  It is good!  My Daddy sure knew how to fix a right proper bear steak."

Kandii rolled her eyes.

 Bear steak?  Who in the hell would want to eat a bear.  She looked at Pauline.  Seemed as if she knew one person that would.

"Paulie.  If Devin is not back in a few minutes, I'm going to go look for him.  I do not want to but I will.  I can’t have my man being mauled by a bear or some shit."

Kandii was serious.  



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