Chapter 43

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"Sharon please I already told you how I feel."  Devin looked at her and frowned.  

She had showed up UN announced at his door twenty minutes ago. “I can’t do this today,” he spoke nervously as his eyes darted up and down the street.

At any minute Kandii would be there and he damn sure did not want any more drama.

"Can I just come in for a minute?”  She tried to duck her head under his strong arm.  


We really need to talk about the baby.   I have something to show you."  She looked so innocent standing there.  

He couldn't help but to feel bad. "Fine Sharon, I'll give you five minutes and not a second longer."

She contained her squeal of delight and nodded solemnly.  If Devin wanted to play so could she.  Sharon had done allot of thinking lately.  Mostly about Kandii.  It was no secret that Kandii had an explosive temper. Yet she had toned it down some.  Devin likes that shit Sharon thought as she entered his home.

"Where would you like to talk?"   She asked in a meek voice.  He walked towards the living room and she followed directly behind him.  He took a seat on the couch and she chose to sit on the end farthest from him.  

Everything about her demeanor and appearance was meant to intrigue him.  Playing on his emotions so that she could get her way.

Sharon had dressed carefully before she dared show up at his place. She had selected a pair of white Capri's and a light peach blouse that ruched around her mid-section.  She was now four months pregnant and she absolutely wanted him to notice her baby bump.  She had on flat beige sandals that complimented her outfit.  Her long hair was up high and wrapped into a bun.  She had let a few curls out at the base of her neck.  

After that last fiasco, she had backed off.  Now she was back and this time she wasn't going any damn where.  She discreetly looked around is living room, looking for any hints of Kandii.  

Satisfaction had her peach colored, mac-glossed lips curving into a grin.

Nothing had changed.

"You had wanted to talk about something?"  His voice broke threw her thoughts and she jumped.

"Yes I do", She said as she handed him a picture.  She waited a moment before speaking.

Giving him time to study the ultra sound image.  "It's 3D.  It is amazing right.  The Doctor said that he is doing great.  You can keep that picture; I have another copy for myself.”

Devin didn't know how he felt as he took in the picture.  "It’s a boy then?” He asked as if she hadn't just said so.  He looked at her and she smiled.  He looked back at the picture and sighed.

"Thank you for giving this to me Sharon."  What else could he say?  

"You’re welcome,” She said softly.  

“I just wanted you to see him. I did not want to bother you.  She let her hands slide to her mid-section and she held her stomach.  Thanks for letting me in, I won’t take up any more of your time.”  She pushed herself up off the couch slowly.  Pretending to have more trouble with the task then necessary.

Devin got up and offered her his hand.

"Do you mind?"  He asked as his hand hovered in front of her stomach.  

“Of course not Devin.  Thanks for helping me up, “she giggled.  Sharon then took his hand and lightly pressed it against her stomach.  She watched his face closely.

He smiled as he ran his up and down her protruding stomach. Suddenly this seemed right.  Maybe he had made a mistake.  Guilt washed over him.

He was ashamed at how he had cut her out of his life.  This wasn't solely her fault, it takes two to tangle.  Tangle he did.  Her baby bump was so perfect and so cute.  He suddenly had visions of playing with a little boy.  His boy.

'Sharon. I’ve changed my mind."  

“I want to be in this child's life.  My son’s life,” he gulped.

“Do you think we can put aside our personal issues and just concentrate on him?”

"I think that, that is a wonderful idea."  Sharon said.

“When is the next Doctors appointment?  I would like to be there. To support you.” Devin asked.

Sharon was happy as hell.  Her plan was coming together nicely. She gave him the time and date of the next appointment.  All the while, she kept her cool.  She wanted to kiss him so bad but she knew that she couldn't move too quickly.  Everything that happened from now on, Devin had to think that it was his idea.



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