Chapter 65

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He narrowed his eyes.


What else do you need to tell me?"


Before she could get the words out her doorbell rang.  Kandii frowned.  

She was not expecting anyone. She glanced nervously at Devin.

"You gonna answer your door?"


"No?  Any reason as to why not."

"It’s... probably nothing Devin... maybe just the mail man."

His eyes shifted towards the steps that led down to her front door.  "Well... it doesn't sound like the mail man to me.  Since when does he pound on your door?"

Kandii jumped when it sounded like her door was being kicked in.

"What the hell," Devin said as he stood up.

"Kandii what’s going on here?  Is there a man behind that door?  

Did your baby's daddy just decide to pop up?"

He frowned and his nostrils flared.

Her Baby Daddy.  

“Give me a fucking break.”  He thought.

Feeling himself, Devin jogged across the living space and leaped down the stairs.  He was down for a fight.  He flexed his pecks and then ripped the door open.

"Hello Mother Fucker."

"My little birdie told me you were here.  Of course, I did not think you were that stupid.

Sharon laughed.  But you are."

"Where is she Devin?  

Where is that bitch at?  COME THE FUCK OUTSIDE SLUT!"  She screamed at the top of her lungs.

Sharon tried to push past Devin but he blocked her.

"Leave her alone Sharon, it’s not what you think it is.  Just take your ass home."

"It’s not what it looks like?  Good one Devin!  As if bastards like you having been using that bullshit excuse for an eternity.  Let me by, She pushed against his rock hard chest.  I'm not fucking around."

"Is my baby in there?  Devin I know you did not bring my child to this bitch’s house.  You've lost your damn mind and guess what; you will pay for this shit."

“Sharon leave now!”

His voice boomed out above hers.  She was not the only one that was sick of shit.  He needed her to leave and now.  He gripped her upper arm and started to drag her away from the house.  

He easily over overpowered her, even though she was fighting him like a hellcat.  She dug at his eyes and face with her claw like nails.  Devin hissed when he felt his cheek being ripped open.

He let go of her arm immediately and touched a fingertip to his face.  

Was he bleeding?  Yes the fuck he was! In that brief moment, Sharon had booked back to the house and managed to run in.

She laughed.

"You’re pregnant?"

She laughed harder.

Kandii glared at her.  Gawd she hated this bitch.  From the moment, she met this bitch her life was torn apart.

"Get out of my house.  Now!"

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