Authors Note

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Hey everyone! I give my sincerest apologies to all of my readers who have been patiently waiting for an update these past two years. I had quite a few unfortunate life changes come up but I got an amazing son out of it. As you could probably guess I've been quite busy these two years and I honestly forgot all about this story as it's not on my main account. However I have no intention of abandoning this story and I do plan on finishing it. Writing is my passion and I absolutely love the joy it brings me. However, considering it's been two years since I last wrote even a sentence in any of my stories I'm not confident that my writing style hasn't changed and I might be a little rusty. So please bear with me and remember that constructive criticism is welcome and always helpful. 

Updates will be very slow as I have an adorable spoiled one year old to raise now but I will be as consistent as possible. 

Thank you all for enjoying this story with me and please continue enjoying it!

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