Chapter 19- Realization

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Harry's P.O.V

At first, I didn't know exactly why I wanted Draco to fight me.

I'd told myself that it was because I needed to prove that he was just pretending to be the good guy. I wanted everyone to see that under that sweet exterior he was the same cruel Draco Malfoy. But at some point it occurred to me that no body really cared if Draco was just as mean as before. 

So who was I really trying to prove it to?


I needed to believe that he wasn't worthy of being my friend. But why? Why was I so scared that Draco Malfoy would become close to me. There was the fact that I felt like he was up to something but what made me think that it was something of malicious intent?

Since the year started I'd been so drawn to Draco. It wasn't quite like sixth year because then I had known that he was up to something bad. But now the most I had figured out was that he had a secret that he wasn't keen on sharing. 

And what was so wrong with having a secret? I had plenty of secrets that I didn't want people knowing- not that the daily profit cared. 

So until Draco proved that he was doing something of concern I would leave it alone. But if I somehow discovered his secret then that wouldn't be my fault, right?

I was heading down to Hagrid's hut because I wanted to speak with him about Draco.

"Oh, Harry! What are ya doin' down here?" Hagrid asked, confused.

"I had a few questions to ask you." Hagrid welcomed me into his home and offered me a bun as I sat. I quickly declined and told him I'd just had breakfast. I didn't think my teeth would like the rock hard snack. 

"So, what did ya need ta know Harry?"

Hagrid took a seat and got comfortable. It was a Sunday morning so neither of us had to worry about classes.

"Are you aware that Draco has been going to Grawps cave nearly every night now for the past month?" Hagrid looked up at the question and smiled brightly at me.

"Indeed I am, Harry. He's been keeping Grawp company for me. Grawp had been really lonely and I'd even say depressed before Draco. Not ta mention Grawp has learned so much with that boy around!"

I'd already known that much but I let Hagrid continue.

"He taught him ta even bathe himself! Grawp has never been more advanced with his speaking. He can almost speak in full sentences! He still gets a little roughed up looking for game every now an' then, though."

Hagrid sipped his tea happily, thinking of all Grawp had achieved.

"That's great to hear, Hagrid! I'm glad he's learning but what I really wanted to know is why Draco is doing all of this?"

Hagrid set down his cup and got serious. "He doesn't have an ulterior motive, if that's what you're thinkin', Harry. He's become quite the mature gentleman. I wouldn't be too worried about Grawp. Draco thinks of 'im as a genuine friend."

It was reassuring to hear that Hagrid believed Draco was doing it out of the good of his heart. 

"I actually asked 'im the last time he came down to have tea with me-"

"Wait, Draco has been coming to see you?" I asked, shocked.

That had to of been some of the most shocking news about Draco I'd heard as of yet.

"Yes he comes down often actually. He's quite good company. Anyways, I asked him why he was teaching Grawp all these things and what could he possibly be getting out of it. He clamped up real quick and I'd never seen someone so embarrassed at such a question. He said he just couldn't stand how sad and gross Grawp looked."

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