Chapter 40- Suspicious Activity

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Sorry it took me so long to update. The L on my laptop broke and the letter L is literally in my password. So, it took me like a week to realize I just needed to restart my laptop. = l

Draco's P.OV. 

After a long and absolutely horrendous Christmas break, we were finally back at Hogwarts. 

I don't know if it was because Harry was so far away, - or if the Universe just doesn't particularly like me- but my heat over Christmas Break was harder than usual. The pain was excruciating, and I conveniently ran out of heat potion on the second day. 

Or maybe it had hurt so bad I thought I needed more than I should have.

Not only that but there wasn't a single thing in The Manor to remind me of Harry. 

So, the rest of my stay at The Manor was miserable, to say the least.

Luckily, Harry and I quickly made up for lost time by spending nearly every moment together. 

I'd gotten used to sleeping next to Harry at the Weasley's over break. It was honestly hard going without the comfort and heat that just radiated off of his body like a heating charm.

So, it was especially difficult when we got back, and Harry had said it would be 'impractical' to sleep in either of our dorms together. I think he really just didn't want to have to sleep in the Slytherin dorms though. 

It was understandable, if I'm being honest. After all, the Slytherins still didn't like the idea of Harry and I and they often gave us irritated looks that held no real bite. 

But other than when we slept- and most of our classes- we were always together. 

It was nice. 

I never tired of things to say or jokes to make Harry smile. And he never ran out of brilliantly witty comebacks and interesting stories that always piqued my interest.

Even though we certainly had an endless number of topics to talk about, the silences were even better. We'd spent countless nights dozing off in the Astronomy tower wrapped up in each other's arms. 

Harry never missed a meeting with Grawp and I could only assume he was gunning for the next spot in the picture at Grawp's cave. Grawp certainly wouldn't mind. Harry is the only man crazy enough to play roughhouse with a giant.

Grawp has even been leaving the cave more and I can only assume he's out enjoying life the way he always should. But Harry thinks he's just found himself a little giantess. 

No matter how many times I explain the probability of finding another giant out here, he's still insistent that Grawp has a girlfriend. 

Hagrid is indifferent and gets a sour look on his face when we talk about it.

After Harry and I got a weeks' worth of detention from Professor Flitwick- for PDA- we'd been spending a lot of quality time with Hagrid and his . . . pets.

Which is why we'd been opting to sneak off during classes and hide in the Gryffindor tower. 

Which is what we were currently doing.

Harry was propped up on his pillows with a potions book in his hand and a severely confused look on his face. His other hand was gliding carelessly through my hair and sending shivers down my spine. 

I was laying sprawled out over Harry's stomach, lying in between his thighs with my head resting on his stomach. 

And I'm sure I look like an absolute lovesick Hufflepuff with the way I'm staring at him with wide eyes. Trying to memorize every detail and expression he makes. 

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