Chapter 11- Better

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Harry's P.O.V

The very next day, Draco was looking better already.

I had gotten a few glimpses of him in the classes we shared and he looked refreshed. Color had returned to his face and he didn't look so gaunt. Almost as if he had just flipped a switch over night. 

Why? I asked myself.

The only logical explanation I could muster was that he must have succeeded in summoning and trapping the monster Myrtle had seen. Thus resulting in his power fluctuating and his health being restored. 

Or at least that's what I assumed happened.

This theory only motivated me to watch him even more. How had he done this right under my nose while I was watching him majority of the time? I needed to be more observant I realized as I gazed at Malfoy sitting at the slytherin table. 

His smile disturbed me. He laughed mercilessly whilst surrounded by a few slytherins who were laughing as well. Strange, I thought. If I had noticed anything before it was that the slytherins tended to avoid Draco. Parkinson being the only friend he had. 

Yet, here he was. Laughing with Theodore Nott of all people. My hand ached as I clenched it into a tight fist and watched as Nott sat next to Draco. He sat so close he was basically in his lap! Nott leaned forward and whispered in Draco's ear. 

I stood up from where I was sitting and did my best to not stomp my way out of the Great Hall. As soon as I reached the hallway, I broke out into a run. Lunch was almost over and I needed to get my invisibility cloak before that happened. 

I hurriedly whispered the password to the fat lady and charged towards the boys dormitories. I rummaged through my trunk before setting my eyes upon exactly what I was looking for. With a victorious shout I wrapped the cloak around my body. 

I raced all the way back to the Great Hall and luckily the doors were still open so it wouldn't look suspicious if they randomly opened and no one was there.

I quietly made my way towards the slytherin table, avoiding the students brushing past. Stopping just behind Draco and nott, I pulled out my wand.

"Levicorpus!" I whispered. 

Suddenly, Nott's head slapped against the bench as his feet were yanked upwards. He was dangling in the air by his ankle. He shrieked like a girl. I did my best to muffle my laughs but the slytherins had no problem belting out their giggles. 

It was quite funny. 

I hadn't noticed but Draco had stood up from where he was sitting and he gradually backed up. His lips were upturned into a smile as he laughed too. He was laughing a lot harder now than when Nott had made him laugh, I noticed. 

Somehow, Draco had ended up only a few centimeters in front of me when suddenly he stiffened. I watched as he inhaled deeply. He turned around to face me and an expression of confusion was plastered on his face. He was so close I could smell him.

Suddenly his eyebrows raised and a smirk graced his features. 


My back hit the wall as I stepped backwards, startled.

I gradually slid to the right until I was far enough away from him that he wouldn't notice as I raced towards the doors. His gaze followed me and I wondered how on earth he knew it was me. 

I looked around me, making sure no one was watching, before pulling my invisibility cloak off of me.

I breathed a sigh of relief. I jumped out of my skin when I noticed Malfoy right behind me. 

"I have to say, that was brilliant," He spoke with a smile. I hesitantly smiled back. "I didn't take you for a bully, though, Potter. That was quite slytherin of you." 

I grimaced before stating, "The sorting hat almost put me in slytherin, you know?"

And for the life of me I could not figure out why I had told him that.

We were both startled when McGonagall appeared behind Draco. 

"Bullying will not be tolerated here, Mr. Potter," she stated angrily. "Detention. Tonight with Hagrid."

Draco snickered. "I can see why you were sorted into Gryffindor, Potter. Slytherins don't get caught!"

"You too, Mr Malfoy," McGonagall stated, matter-of-factly. The smile was wiped off of Draco's face and it was my turn to laugh. 

"But I didn't do anything!" He argued. But it was too late. McGonagall had already left.

Draco's P.O.V.

"Stupid saint Potter! This is your fault," I told him. He looked at me, baffled.

Our seemingly friendly interaction was over and I stomped out of the hall. 

I decided to skip the rest of the days classes and I headed towards the dungeons. I plopped onto my bed and sighed. First day going back to classes and Harry has already gotten me in trouble!

I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply. A little rest was much needed with all of this stress invading my usually normal life. When I find my mate, I might just have to use them as a punching bag for all of the anger Harry invokes in me!

Not to mention I was so close to getting laid! As funny as it was to watch Theodore Nott hanging by his ankles in the Great Hall, it couldn't have been worse timing!  I guess it didn't matter now, considering I would have to spend my night with Potter instead. 

I slowly drifted into a deep sleep with thought of 'The Saviour' and detentions on my mind.

When I awoke, I quickly jumped out of bed upon the realization that I was late for my detention with Potter. I didn't bother to fix myself as I raced down to Hagrid's hut. Harry was already there. Waiting impatiently, his arms folded in front of him.

His eyes widened when he saw me and an unfamiliar smirk was present. When I reached him, he lifted his hand and ruffled my hair. Shivers overtook my body and the most pleasurable sensation danced along my spine. And at that very moment I knew the truth. 

I gulped.

"Well you're looking positively ruffled Malfoy," Harry explained. 

I felt the skin of my cheeks go red and suddenly my mouth was very dry. I decide I would simply ignore Potter.

"Alright, boys. We're gonna go inta the forbidden forest," Hagrid bellowed out.

I knew I had gone pale at the idea of going back in there. I still hadn't fully recovered from first year. Harry seemed to have no problem with it as he followed Hagrid into the depths of the dark forest.

I stayed rooted into place until Harry turned around and said, "Are you coming, Draco?"


Sorry it took me so long to update! I've been working on a story for my main account. @SunniSimon Go and check it out if you want!

1,115 words

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