Chapter 30- Mates and Masquerades

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Why is it that the one chapter that has sexual content has more reads than the ones before it? Y'all rereading it over and over again like me, huh.

Draco's P.O.V

I followed Hermione like my life depended on it. And maybe it did. Who knew what she was about to show me. 

If she hadn't been holding my hand, I'm almost positive that I would've lost her by now with the fast pace she had.

An unsettling feeling made its home inside my stomach when we stopped at a portrait. She was taking me to the Gryffindor dorms.  

Everyone had pretty much stopped bugging me after I'd become friends with Harry but still. This was the equivalent of walking into the lion's den. How would they feel about having the very thing they fought against last year invading their safe space?

As the portrait swung open and Hermione dragged me inside, I quickly found out. 

The happy conversation and the cheerful laughter quickly died down when I stepped through the portrait hole. I looked at the curious faces to find that no one looked particularly uncomfortable. Just confused. 

When I spotted Harry, butterflies filled my stomach and suddenly the common room was too warm. 

He smiled longingly at me and even though I thought I'd gotten control of when my eyes changed, they began changing uncontrollably. From blue to grey then back again. They flickered relentlessly.

Bloody hell.

My Siren side gets a single taste of pleasure from my mate and then this happens.

Harry looked at me in amusement. Just a few months ago the power of my siren eyes was making him think he was crazy. And now he was hardly affected by them. 

I covered my eyes, embarrassed. Hermione grasped my hand again and began dragging me up to the girls' dorms.

"Don't tell me the Gryffindors don't have the anti-male enchantments like the Slytherins do," I asked Hermione as I walked up the stairs effortlessly.

"No, they do." She looked at me pointedly. 

When we finally made into her dorm, she bent down to open her trunk. I stood there awkwardly, just taking everything in.

She rustled with the contents of her trunk before pulling out a small white bottle.

She held it up for me to read. Hermione had an excited glint in her eyes.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Don't you see, Draco? We've been going about this the wrong way. Thinking about it all wrong. We've been trying to create a wizard potion to solve a problem that muggles have already fixed!" She paced around the room frantically. 

"What are you going on about 'Mione?"

"This," She held up the bottle once again. "It's a pain reliever. Muggles call it Ibuprofen. This will get rid of majority of the pain, Draco. Not all of it though but it will be like a dull ache. Then we just need to make something that will ease your testosterone levels and that will solve the arousal problem."

She twisted the cap off of the bottle and took out a small white rod-shaped item.

She dropped it into my open hands, and I stared at the peculiar item.

"Huh," I said disbelievingly. This little thing could get rid of all of that pain? I doubt it. 

Hermione rolled her eyes at me. 

"Of course, wizards aren't likely to trust muggle medicines. We could make it into a potion though. That way we could advertise the product to all of the wizarding world. We could help so many people, Draco."

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