Chapter Eight- List

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Why does inspiration always strike at night?

Draco's P.O.V 

". . . Zacharias Smith . . . Theodore Nott . . . and yeah. That's it," I said slowly. I cleared my throat awkwardly and pulled at my collar.

Headmistress McGonagall stared back at me in silence. A look of quiet bewilderment on her face.

She coughed subtely, "Well this is a list of 21 people. This could take a while to figure out," She glanced at me and I squirmed in my seat. She cleared her throat again. "I recommend you avoid these 21 people at all costs while we eliminate some students."

"Was already planning on it," I mumbled to myself.

She huffed under her breath before glaring down at the long list. "Once a Black always a Black," She whispered quietly. I didn't question her mumbles as I waited to be dismissed.

When I was finally out the door McGonagall shouted for me to return.

"Mr. Malfoy I must make you aware that while you're going through this period of avoiding contact with your mate you will be going through withdrawal like symptoms. Just make sure that you don't make any contact with them during this time."

I nodded solemnly and stepped out.

Students were still in class so I didn't have to worry about running into anyone in the halls. I decided to relax in the prefects bathroom.

I made sure to cast a lock on the door just in case someone decided to use the bathroom. 

Harry's P.O.V

Draco wasn't at dinner, either.

I decided that I would check the marauders map when I made it back to the dormitories. 

Ron ate quickly while Hermione talked to Ginny animatedly.  I blinked tiredly as I pushed my full plate away. I was too tired to eat.

I excused myself early and headed out of the Great Hall.  I didn't make it four steps into the hall before I was stopped by Ginny's cold hand.

"Hey Harry," She said calmly. She smiled at me and I reluctantly smiled back. "I wanted to talk to you . . . about us."

I knew what she was going to say but I wasn't sure how I felt about it.

"Er- yeah. What's up?" I asked nervously.

"I don't think it's working out between us," She tried her best to smile but it was forced. "You haven't talked to me all year and I think it's time to end it."

She breathed in deeply. She didn't seem too upset. I didn't feel upset either.

"I agree with you. I hope we can still be friends?" I questioned her.

She nodded and smiled gratefully. "Of course. I still have to put up with you at all our family gathering don't I?" 

She laughed quietly and I smiled back.  Times likes these reminded me why I was so drawn to her in the first place. 

We parted ways and she left with Luna while I went to the dormitories. I didn't feel very upset at all. If anything I felt a weight lift off my chest. I'm glad that we broke it off on good terms.  Ginny may not be the one for me but she was still a good friend. She was there for me when I needed her.

I laid down on my bed with the map in one hand and my wand in the other. My eyes immediately went to the prefects bathroom and then to the slytherin dormitories but he wasn't in either. Nor was he in the infirmary.  The more I looked the more I realized the possibility that maybe he wasn't in Hogwarts at all.  

That was when I noticed a small name hovering next to the black lake.

It was Draco. 

I glanced down at it confusedly. What could he be doing in the black lake? A night swim? There's no way. It's too cold for swimming. Winter's just around the corner.

I sighed before removing my glasses and setting the map down. 

I was too exhausted to stay conscious any longer.

Draco's P.O.V

I shivered as the cold bit at my skin. My ears and nose were nice and pink and my quiet sniffs interrupted the silence.

I went for a swim while everyone was at dinner and now I sat out here just listening to the small waves crash against the soil. 

I thought about my father when I went through my inheritance. I stuffed my face into my arms and stared blankly into the water. I still felt the scars left from that beating. 

Everything I had built myself upon had been a lie. The one thing my father prided himself in was a lie. I wasn't pureblood and neither was he. We hadn't been for generations. I was just the unlucky one who got stuck with the evidence of this little mistake.

Somewhere along the line, a Malfoy fell in love with someone they shouldn't have. Long story short their love was kept secret. Only being uncovered after my father furiously dug up this secret.

I sighed into the cold air and watched as the clouds from my breathe dispersed.

I stood up and walked back to the castle. I felt utterly exhausted.


Really short I know. Sorry.

847 words

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