Chapter 36- Close Call

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WARNING: Sexual Content

There's so much I want to happen before the end, and I'm worried it's getting all jumbled.

Harry's P.O.V

The next month passed by smoothly.

I never asked Draco to be my boyfriend and he never asked me either. But everyone knew we weren't just friends. Or at least everyone at Hogwarts knew. Draco had said that he feared fan girls might start appearing soon. 

He might be right considering the amount of looks Draco and I get when I walk him to his classes everyday. 

If there were any Draco and I definitely gave them plenty of fuel. I loved showing everyone that he is mine and he loved everyone having their eyes on him. But I didn't mind it. Whether people were watching or not, I could still make him blush.

And how I loved getting him flustered. I loved it just as much as I loved fighting with him. Or maybe I loved it even more than our silly little spats. Part of me thinks the only reason I ever use to fight with him was to get some sort of reaction similar to how he looks when he's bothered.

He always acts so surprised and innocent but I can tell he licks up every ounce of attention I give him. I love it and he never ceases to make me as hard as a rock. 

But it was as if some sort of unspoken agreement had happened between us. We were waiting. For what I didn't know but I didn't mind. I'd wait forever for him.

Plus it gave me plenty of time to tease him.

Just like right now.

Not even eight in the morning and Draco was sitting stiffly in his seat- blushing darker than a fresh strawberry. I didn't know how I could tell but he was most certainly turned on. Maybe it was his sweet scent that made my senses go on high alert, or maybe it was the way I could tell his focus was all on me despite defiantly staring straight ahead. 

Despite the fact that he was furiously sipping on a cup of Earl Grey. Draco preferred tea over coffee. 

'Did you enjoy your boiled bean water?,' he'd always say to me.

Draco does his hardest to ignore my wandering eyes as a sweet scent in the air thickens. The tension is high today and Hermione must feel it as she asks me, "Harry have you tried the treacle tart this morning? It's absolutely delicious. Still warm too."

I smile at Hermione as some of the awkwardness dissipates. Draco jumps at the chance for a change in subject as he says, "Ugh don't make me barf 'Mione. You like those things too?"

Ginny- who had been sitting next to Hermione- says, "You're kidding Draco. Treacle Tart is like a staple for Harry. How could you not like them."

I don't hide the roll of my eyes as I say, "He's never even tried them. He refuses to because he says it's too messy."

Luna- who I'd previously assumed had been off in dreamland- pipes in with a sigh of pity for Draco. "You really should try them, Draco. They are quite tasty. Didn't you read last weeks quibbler? The berries in the filling prove to be a great repellent against Diggles and Doxies.

Draco raises his nose in the air with determination. "I guess I'll just have to remain vulnerable to the Doxies then because I refuse to eat it if I have to dirty my own hands."

At that I get a wicked idea and I don't hesitate to take a bite of a delicious tart. Hermione is right and it's perfectly warm and the crust is so flaky and soft it's almost as if it's melting in your mouth like butter.

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