Chapter 34- Hints and Holes

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I don't understand writers block. Any time I think I might be getting it I just push through it and the words just flow out of me easily. The more I write the more ideas I get. Please God don't let me saying this backfire. :')

Harry's P.O.V.

Draco and I continued exchanging letters throughout the whole day. There was just so much I wanted to know about him and not enough parchment and ink to find out.

Being able to talk to him was exciting. There wasn't a single letter that didn't make my heart flutter. 

The more we talked the more I fell in love with him. Just when I thought I couldn't get any deeper into this hole. If he decided to cut me off again, I'm not sure I'd be able to dig myself out of the pit.

I'd rather die a slow and agonizing death than lose Draco again.

And maybe it is unhealthy. But no matter how hard I try I can't seem to stop. I always thought that a single human could only hold so much love for someone. But, at some point the love has to top off, doesn't it?

But it just wasn't like that with Draco. The love I had for him was endless and ever-growing. It never stopped flowing. Nor was there an object in existence that could contain it.

I never thought I could find such a perfect person. Though Draco is hardly perfect and has flaws just like everyone else, I even love his flaws. There isn't a single thing about him that I don't love. From his signature Malfoy sneer to his overwhelming need to have all eyes on him.

We are literally exact opposites and I think that just makes me want him more.

"I'm bored of this," Ron started whining. We had been sitting in the common room for nearly an hour, working on homework. Well, they were working on homework and I was trying to solve the equation that was my love life. We still had about another hour to go until they started serving dinner.

Hermione sighed and set her pen down. "You know, I actually could use a break. If I have to write anymore about different uses for eye of newt I might just give my eyes to Newt. How about we go take a breath of fresh air out in the courtyard?"

Ron throws his fist into the air and bellows out a cheer. "Yes. No more homework!"

Hermione rolls her eyes at him but hangs onto his shoulder anyways, enamored by her boyfriend.

"Don't get your hopes up Ron. We're finishing after dinner I just thought we could use a little walk to get our blood pumping and clear our heads."

She side-eyes me after saying the last part and I smile at her and shrug.

We make our way outside and down to the courtyard.

It's nearly winter so the cold air wakes me right up. The sun has practically already set and the sky is just a few shades lighter than midnight.

There's only about four other student out here and they all seem to be minding their own.

"Harry, It's Parkinson! Go ask her about the date!" Hermione gently pushes me in her direction. I look at the dark haired girl and shiver at the thought of approaching her. I look back at Hermione and I know she can see the apprehension in my eyes.

"Are you sure they're even friends? Draco never talks about her and I never see them hanging out," I try to make excuses but Hermione looks at me pointedly.

"Well it couldn't hurt to ask. What's the worst that could happen?," She says.

I sigh, defeatedly and glance over at the menacing looking Slytherin. She was sitting on the stone walls with her back propped up against the wall and her wand in her hand. She was fiddling with it like she was trying to feel for a splinter or a crack in the wood.

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