Chapter 15- Heat

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Funny how I said the updates would be slow but I've never been more motivated to keep updating more in my life.

Draco's P.O.V

I had never felt so refreshed in my life. 

After mine and Harry's little encounter in the hallway I felt rejuvenated. I'd had no energy nor motivation the whole week and after our extremely sensual encounter I felt great. 

I had been shocked how much I affected him but that didn't even come close to what he did to me. None of other partners had lit me on fire the way he did and I loved it.

I was not expecting to lose control like I had. The moment he had pushed me up against that wall I could feel my senses multiply tenfold and my eyes released their charm without my consent. I didn't know why that had happened or why I couldn't stop it but I didn't mind in that moment.

It was almost scary how little control I had but I couldn't lie. I loved it. If potter had shoved me against the wall and ripped my trousers off and demanded I let him take me right in front of carrot head I would've let him.

I could still feel the heat that enveloped my body while I was under Harry's gaze. The insurmountable pressure in my pants was completely his doing and I had no qualms about that. 

Even as I talked animatedly about nonsense to the other Slytherins- not including Pansy- I could still feel his heated gaze on me. 

I couldn't help the smile that refused to leave my lips.

I know I shouldn't have let Harry get so close to me like that but I had been so weakened I didn't even realize he'd grabbed me until it was too late. I was still going to avoid him like the plague but that didn't mean I couldn't reminisce how amazing those touches felt. 

I couldn't stop thinking about it and feeling like a little thirteen year old girl. I could feel how hot my face had become whilst Harry still hadn't removed his gaze from me.

The attention I was receiving from my mate had me giddy and so ready to submit it shocked me. I wanted to please him in every way and I'd even bow down to him and let him do anything to me if that's what he would like of me.

Suddenly the most tantalizing smell hit me like a ton of bricks. 

I didn't even take a second to stop and think about what it could be. I already knew. Arousal. Harry's arousal to be exact. It was so overpowering I couldn't even continue speaking. 

The smell alone made me harder than a rock.

I looked in Harry's direction to try and decipher what could've been the cause for this. But he had his head buried in the palms of his hands. 

My body felt hot. 

It kept getting warmer and warmer until it became unbearable. 

It was bordering on painful and arousing. My mind was foggy from the confusing reactions my body was having. I couldn't think straight. 

Need him. Want him. Need him NOW!

Lewd images flitted through my mind of Harry doing obscene things to me. I could feel my fists clenching on the table but the coldness of the table could not pierce through the heat I was feeling. 

I felt utterly helpless and I could feel my inhuman side recoil in fear. 

I'd felt this only once before and it was the day Harry carried me to the hospital wing after I fainted.

I didn't know whether to run away or walk right up to Harry and beg him to do the obscene things I couldn't stop picturing.

And they were definitely not school appropriate. 

If I stay here any longer I don't know what I'd do to embarrass myself. The pain was so torturous I wasn't sure I'd be able to make my way out of the Great Hall without making a fool of myself.

I could feel my other side whimper at the thought of being any further away from our mate. I could feel the overwhelming urge to find a body of water. To create a safe place to wait out the painful throbbing I was experiencing. 

I briefly imagined myself tangled in the bed sheets of Harry's bed in Gryffindor dormitory. Inhaling his scent and being completely doused in the feeling of safety and comfort.

But the thought made a quiet whimper erupt from my lips. Pansy lifted her gaze from the book she'd been reading and looked at me, questioningly.

I quickly decided I needed to remove myself from the area. 

I stood so abruptly I accidentally banged my fists against the table top.  The sound made Harry quickly cease the conversation he'd been having with Granger. 

I tried to avert my eyes but the second our gazes collided his expression changed.

He went from smiling happily while talking to his friends to one of worry and something else I couldn't quite make out. 

He seemed like he was worried about me. But I excused the thought when I remembered how angry he'd been with me the past week. 

I walked quickly to the entrance of the Great Hall in search of a quick solution. I glanced at Harry a few times on my way out and as I got closer and closer to the Gryffindor table I watched his expression change. He inhaled deeply and when he opened his eyes again a look of pure hunger and longing flitted across his face.

Could he possibly . . . smell me, too?

It was absurd to even think that a mere human would be able to smell in the way my kind smelt but could it be possible? Maybe the beginnings of the mating bond had already begun enhancing his senses.

It would make sense. In order to be a proper mate and protect a being such as myself one couldn't possibly remain completely human.

I felt myself become even warmer at the possibility that he could smell what I'd been thinking of him just now. 

I almost tripped walking through the entrance when the smell of his arousal hit me once more. 

Picking up the pace I pondered about where I could possibly go where no one would see my other form. I couldn't go to the prefects bathroom like I usually did when it was the middle of the day. Plus who knows how long I'd have to stay there. That ruled out the black lake too.

Then it hit me. The room of requirement.

Harry's P.O.V

When Draco left the Great Hall his smell still lingered. It was stronger than it had ever been. And absolutely delectable. 

The look on his face when he'd been leaving urged me to follow but I didn't want Hermione or Ron thinking that I was so obsessed with the man that I couldn't have him out of my sight.

So I stayed.

The longer I stayed in the Great Hall the more antsy and restless I became. I had an overwhelming feeling that I was greatly needed and that I should have followed Draco out of the Great Hall. 

My legs bounced relentlessly under the table. Hermione watched me calculatingly yet quietly. 

Finally I could not resist the temptation any longer.

"I need to use the restroom," I explained as I excused myself from my seat. Ron swallowed the lump of chicken he'd been half chewing and talking with and looked at me.

I didn't take the time to explain before rushing out of the Great Hall. I convinced myself I was simply worried Malfoy was continuing with the next step of his plan and that's why I was so worried. By the time I reached the hall it was too late. Malfoy was no where to be seen.

I hurried to the Gryffindor dormitories and pulled out the Marauders Map. I diligently searched the map, my eyes immediately looking for the prefects bathroom. But he wasn't there.

Instead I saw him at the entrance to the room of requirement. 

I wouldn't see Malfoy anywhere on the map for the next three days. 


1,350 words

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