Chapter 27- Confrontation

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I really wanted to make a chapter about boggarts so I worked my magic and made it happen. So I'm sorry if it seems sort of random.

Draco's P.O.V

I gulped nervously but the tension in my throat could not be relieved.

I genuinely thought that there simply wasn't anything that I could possibly still be afraid of. Especially after everything I went through during the war. What could possibly be worse than that. Everything I'd once been afraid had already come and gone so what could possibly be worse than what I'd already experienced?

But as each student faced their boggart and I watched as each and every one walked away shaking, I realized that no matter how brave or how Gryffindor you were, everyone was afraid of something.

Now as I watched the Professor reach for the wardrobe doors, I couldn't help but think about what I'd see behind those doors. Would I be shocked? Or worse, would I be embarrassed?

There was suddenly an endless number of various scenes playing in my head of what could possibly happen. Every single scene ended in me being embarrassed as everyone laughed at me, including Harry. 

I suddenly didn't want to do this, but it was too late as the doors swung open. 

The classroom was flooded with blue waves as water lapped at the high ceiling. It appeared as if we were all deep under the Black Lake. The water wasn't real, that much was obvious, as we were all still able to stand on the floor instead of floating up. 

But the calming silence of being under the water was very much real. Any noise was muffled. small rays of sun just barely passed through the waves from above. Just enough so we could see through the darkness. 

It would have been very serene and peaceful if I didn't feel an eerie sense of dread pooling in my stomach.

Despite being very use to the bottom of the lake, I felt alone. It was as if every student simply disappeared, and it was only me at the bottom of the lake, waiting impatiently to see what the murky waters were hiding.

I glanced in every direction in search of the impending danger I could sense, just as I would've if I'd been swimming for real.

Suddenly a dark figure began floating downwards. As it sunk further and further down it got closer and closer to me. It became glaringly obvious that it was a man. A very gorgeous man. With dark unruly curls and a spliced lightening scar on his forehead.

There was a tightening in my chest as I felt the Siren side in me stir. 

Harry Potter, my mate, the man I'd love until the day I died, was drowning. Not drowning I realized as I got closer. Already drowned. He was dying. 

There were no bubbles drifting to the top- a sign that there was no air left in his lungs. There was no struggling. 

A panic I'd never felt before engulfed me. The man I loved was dying right in front of me. I looked at the surface and begged and pleaded for someone to come down and save him. 

Despite the air moving to and from my lungs at a quick pace I felt as if I was drowning too. I waited and stared at the surface and back to Harry. Any minute now. I told myself. Any second now I'd come bursting through the water, and I'd save him just as I'd done before. Any second now.

The lifeless body hit the bottom of the lake quietly and with it I felt myself drop down too. My knees ached as they made contact with the very real floor.

I rushed to grab the weightless body and I pulled him into my lap. The panic was all consuming as I stared at the soft features of Harry. He looked so peaceful. More beautiful than a dead body should ever be. 

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