Chapter 25- Bath Time Surprise

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I just finished reading one of the best Drarry Fanfictions I've ever read. The worst part is it was sitting in my library for months before I even read the first chapter.

Harry's P.OV.

The next morning, I awoke with a cold.

By breakfast time I wondered longingly what exactly it felt like to swallow without the persistent pain that followed.

Soon though, the pain was forgotten as Draco came strutting in as if he was on cloud nine. The happy demeanor he carried made me smile in return. 

Only for a moment did I reminisce about the lovely memory of Draco undressing himself in front of me last night. 

As Draco sat down at the table- so close our legs were pressed tightly together- I couldn't help the overwhelming giddiness I felt. 

"Morning Malfoy.  You got a late start to breakfast today. It must have been all the time you spend fixing your hair," I taunted lightheartedly. I reached up and stroked a strand of his soft blonde hair. I watched in delight as he shuddered and turned a bright shade of pink.

"Morning to you too, Potter. At least I brush it," he glanced at my mussed-up mop of dark curls and then back at me. He had a small smirk gracing his lips. I momentarily had to stop myself from fawning over his charming looks. "Scarhead." He said as he flicked my forehead lightly. 

I watched as Draco and Hermione shared a brief look in which Hermione smirked at Draco knowingly and Draco proceeded to quickly look away with red tipped ears.

"Well, Malfoy, I am the savior of the Wizarding world. A wizard of such greatness doesn't always have time for such menial tasks," I said with fake confidence, mocking the way others spoke of 'The Chosen One.' I side-eyed Draco and I received the exact reaction I thought I would. He looked at me with furrowed eyebrows and a disbelieving smile, nearly laughing at my silly shenanigans. 

"What I'm hearing is that even for a man with such a big ego, you still can't be bothered to look presentable," Draco said with a laugh as he ran his slender fingers through my messy hair.

"Big ego huh? I'm surprised the 'Slytherin Prince' himself would say anything to discourage big egos," I replied as I closely admired the small dimple that appeared when he smiled.

"When you look this good," he gestured to himself and my eyes had no complaints as they wandered his lithe yet muscular body, "a big ego is needed." 

Draco said it haughtily but the gleam in his eye gave away to his joking manner.

"The only difference between my ego and yours is I've got the equipment to back it up." With hardly a second thought I gripped his thigh under the table. Only once I leaned in to whisper in his ear did I notice how close we already were. "I can prove it if you'd like."

Draco gasped loud enough for only me to hear, Ron choked on his pumpkin juice, and Hermione giggled until she lost the page in her book.

"Alright enough flirting from you two. I'm trying to eat here, and this is the breakfast table," Ron said with disgust and enough gagging to make an emetophobic faint. 

"Whatever do you mean, Ron?" I said as I pulled Draco into my side. "We're not flirting, we're just close friends."

Draco wrapped his arm around my neck and tauntingly said, "Yes, very close good friends."

Friends who happen to have very strong feelings for each other, I thought to myself.

Hermione was red from holding in her laughter.

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