Chapter 33- Remembering and Planning

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Should I write a sad and heart wrenching fanfiction where Draco wakes up and he's a ghost at Hogwarts but instead of the castle he's tied to, it's Harry. Then they fall in love but Draco's dead, so it'll be depressing? I think it's a wonderful idea so ya'll let me know.

Draco's P.O.V


Your mother is valid, Draco. Owls can be traced or even intercepted. Umbridge use to do just that in fifth year. You can't go wrong with being extra cautious. 

That's basically the definition of showing off, Malfoy.

Merlin, Draco, when it comes to innocence I surely have you beat. I wouldn't touch Quirrel on purpose even if I'd known he'd die the second I did.  And Ginny has never 'seen my basilisk' either. 

Ginny and I did date for a while. But we kind of just fell out of it. I wouldn't say we were really in love. Once you really love someone you never truly stop loving them. She's more like a sister to me now. Either way, she certainly never got the ticket to that show. 

Even when we did do other things, it never went past kissing. I never got the urge to do more than that. Let alone whisper sweet nothings into her ear.

Besides, don't lie Draco. You would've saved her too.

I pause at that and just when I thought I couldn't be any more elated Harry had to go and say that. But now that I think about it, If I had been the one that had to save her, would I? If it was the exact same Ginny I know and only I could save her, would I have the courage to do it?

I sigh to myself and mentally curse Harry Potter and his stupid words making me think. But, of course, he's right. If I was the one in the chamber of secrets and a raging obese snake was trying to kill me, I'd stay. I'd try to save the dumb Weaslette even if I died trying. 

I'd die of guilt anyways if I didn't at least try. 

I wave the thought away and get back to the letter.

Draco, I'd give you anything in the world- or even pluto- if it meant you were happy. 

I pause once again and set the letter down on the flat wooden stump. I nearly spill my inkpot on my way up and out of the pond. The water was suddenly too hot for my warm face. I calm my racing heart and pick the letter back up again with a greedy smile.

Maybe if you were a good boy I wouldn't have to call you naughty.

Just as quickly as I picked the letter up, I set it back down. Butterflies were fluttering in my stomach and I was afraid if I didn't give myself a moment their wings might rip through me. It was such a corny stupid thing to say but I couldn't help it. I never thought Potter would be the type to say such things.

I did a quick lap around the pond to clear my thoughts and then, of course, picked up the letter again.

I always had a feeling that your father wasn't the best but that's just horrendous. It's unthinkable. I know I can't really say much considering I don't know what a father should be like but that's horrible. No father should ever do that to their own kid. I'm sorry that ever happened to you Draco.

I made quick work of responding to Harry. 


I can't tell if that's just the auror in you talking or if maybe you're more like my mother than I thought. Either way, I think the two of you would get along.

Are you sure you have me beat, Potter? The walls of that empty classroom probably think otherwise. So, then if you haven't done more than kissing with Ginny does that mean you haven't done anything? If so, then Salazar, Potter. Where on earth did you learn to talk like that?

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