Chapter 37- Content

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I've literally been shitting my pants every morning with the urge to start typing away. I found a new song that's going to be for the next Drarry I write, and it literally gives me tingles listening to it. Also, I'm bad at smut don't judge me.

Harry's P.O.V

Hermione was hunched over an essay in the common room. 

Luckily no one else was in there and I could only assume that everyone else had turned in for the night. When the portrait hole slammed shut Hermione glanced up at me.

"Hello Harry," She said distractedly.

I nodded at her, but she was already back to scribbling on her parchment.

"Sorry to interrupt your work 'Mione but I just thought you should know that Draco is in the Room of Requirement." 

She drops her quill and ink splatters against the page. Her posture goes rigid, and she looks at me with her full attention. I can tell she's questioning something and choosing her words carefully.

"Oh . . . so, why aren't you with him?" She questions me. 

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Should I . . . be with him?"

She simply 'hm's' at me and tilts her head to the side. "Well . . . I suppose not. I just thought you would've done it this time around."

I force out a laugh awkwardly. I haven't the slightest idea what she was talking about, but something told me that 'done it' was not said in an innocent manner. "I'm sorry?"

Hermione blushes and lets out an exhausted sigh as she stands up. "Never mind, Harry. You were right to tell me though. I have the perfect thing to help him." She pulls out a potion from her robe pocket and I wonder how long she's been holding that in there. She must have been waiting for today. 

She examines the silvery liquid and if it wasn't for the peachy hue it had I would've assumed it was a memory.

"Tell me Harry," she begins quietly as the liquid swirls around. "Have you and Draco . . . done anything."

She's trying to feign interest in the potion but she's flushing a scarlet red. 

"'Anything?'" I say with a nervous chuckle. I'd like to pretend to be oblivious, but I know exactly what she's asking me. After all, it's been on my mind for months now

She looks back at me pointedly and says, "Oh stop being so coy, Harry. Have you or have you not?"

I seem to choke on nothing as a coughing fit wreaks havoc on me. Hermione waits patiently with her arms folded and an annoyed expression on her face. I can't fathom why Hermione needs to know such things, but I suppose friends talk about their sex lives, right?

"So, you haven't? Why not? I mean, what's stopping you? Surely you feel some sort of . . . sexual attraction for him, don't you?" 

As I catch my breathe I say, "Geez, 'Mione. I feel like I'm having to tell Draco's mother that whole spiel about how I won't hurt him, and I promise to take care of her son."

She rolls her eyes and it's safe to assume that my attempt at changing the subject has been denied. 

"Come off of it, Harry. You must have done something with him by now." She says exasperatedly. 

I scratch the back of my neck in apprehension before taking a seat on the couch defeatedly. I place my pounding head into the palm of my hands and groan frustratedly. 

"Well to tell the truth, we haven't." I expect Hermione to ask me why, but she just looks down at me with an unsatisfied glare. "We haven't had sex yet and it's not because I don't want to. And certainly not because he doesn't want to either." At that I laugh to myself and lift my head up. "Oh, he definitely wants to, that's for sure. Every moment of every day is like his only mission is to seduce me."

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