Chapter 13- Draco's New Friend

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A/N: I finally present to you all the thirteenth chapter!

Draco's P.O.V

After several long minutes of my skin being whipped by the harsh winds and high branches caused by the creatures fast pace, he finally reached his destination. 

I was long past the feeling of immense fear as my legs shook in my expensive Italian loafers when the realization that some unknown giant just kidnapped me and brought me to what appeared to be a giant, slightly furnished cave. I had moved on to more pressing matters like why do I have a distinct feeling that I've seen this exact being before?

He wasn't exactly as humanly as the half giant man who had once been my Care of Magical creatures teacher but he did have a certain look to him that made me think they could be related. Maybe brothers even? And it didn't have much to do with the sheer size of him or the fact that they were both quite slow. 

But this half giant was especially stupid. 

He picked up a giant cup that resembled about the same size as myself and held it up to my face as he rocked me like an infant. 

As much as I hated the treatment I was receiving from this oafish creature I couldn't help but find it endearing how kind and gentle he was being. After all, he did believe I was merely a wailing baby that was simply upset from hunger-despite not knowing how exactly to take care of one- and yet he was still trying to soothe me. It was quite sweet, really.

But if nearly seven years of knowing Harry Potter has taught me anything then I better stop this before Potter comes to the rescue and catches me in such an embarrassing situation.

"Hey, uh . . . Grawp, was it?" I recalled the name Potter had spoken earlier.  "I am not a baby nor am I hungry. So if you could please set me down now. It'd be much appreciated." I attempted to reason with the giant.

Recognition had crossed his features as he set me down gently. I wobbled on my legs a little as I regained my balance. Thank Salazar that he at lest knew English.

I took the opportunity to take a quick look around the cave- which seemed huge to me but I suppose it'd seem quite homely to a giant- and it appeared to be furnished with homemade furniture. Hagrid's doing I'd assume. The cave was composed of just one large living area stuffed with a large lumpy looking bed, a very unproportionate nightstand, one giant sized wobbly dining table, and three chairs. One of which was a huge recliner perfectly sized for Grawp and seemingly store bought which made me curious as to how Hagrid was able to get such a piece of furniture when no furniture store could possibly have made something fit for a giant. Upon closer inspection I noticed a small frame hanging crookedly on the wall across from the bed. 

It was placed in such an awkward and strange place on the wall but there was simply no way such a small bit of decor would ever look great in a home fit for a giant. But, inside the small frame was an animated picture of Hagrid and Grawp. The picture showed Hagrid setting up a camera as Grawp plucked up the half Giant and held the man to his face. It wasn't much but I found it deeply endearing and very sweet.

 My mother would be having herself a fit if she saw this Giants design choices. The thought made me smile.

Grawp suddenly seemed to remember some sense of manners- recently taught based on his mannerisms and speech- and scuttled to the 'dining room' and pulled out a chair. He didn't gesture for me to sit or ask me to. Instead he picked me right back up and plopped me right down onto the oversized chair. 

He stomped his way over to a large nook in the wall and pulled out what appeared to be a cup to him but was a small swimming pool to me. He placed it down in front of me and pointed to his lips and said, "dink?"

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