Chapter 26- Boggarts With a Cherry On Top

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When I first started writing this book, I originally planned for there to be 26 chapters. It's crazy to think I'm not finished yet.

Harry's P.O.V

As I charged into the bathroom, I was relieved to see that Myrtle was poking her head out of the water of Draco's tub.

He had a horrified expression on his face, and he looked as if he was about to crawl out of the side of the tub, backwards.

"Bloody hell, Myrtle!" Draco shrieked at her. She giggled in her creepy ghost girl way. "Didn't you learn from last time?"

At the remembrance of whatever she'd seen last time, she adopted a horrified look on her face and quickly flew her way out of the tub and into her toilet. To mope around the bend, I suppose.

I laughed nervously when Draco turned to look at me, confused. However, he didn't question why I'd been outside the bathroom, and he simply sighed and just waved me over to the tub.

I viciously blushed at the realization that he was completely naked just underneath the thick bubbles. I sat just at the steps of the tub.

"What are you laughing about, Potter? I know what you did when you asked Myrtle to spy on me," he said with a smirk as he relaxed into the tub. "How was it by the way?"

My eyes bulged and I felt as if I'd turned a sickly shade of green at remembering her pale ghost lips against mine.

"I'd rather not say. Well, how did you convince her to not tell me then if you didn't kiss her?" I asked, curiously. Myrtle had been very adamant that a kiss was the only way she'd do me any favors.

Draco looked at me with amusement in his sparkling eyes. "I'd never stoop that low for a bit of information, Harry," he said with a laugh. "She willingly agreed to not tell you. We've been close friends since sixth year. I often came in here to mope about my struggles that year and her depressing vibe was the perfect thing I needed."

We sat there in comfortable silence. Draco had leaned his head on the rim of the tub and closed his eyes. I took the opportunity to study his features like I'd done many times before. The sound of the popping bubbles was a soothing sound.

"Why do you bathe so much, Draco," I asked him.

He hummed before opening his eyes. He had a knowing smile on his lips, and I gulped nervously. 

"How would you know I bathe a lot, Harry?" He asked. But I knew what he was insinuating. He knew that I'd been following him nearly every night when he came here. I didn't know for how long he knew but he'd never said anything about it.

I just shrugged with a blush. My glasses had started slowly slipping down my nose from the steam, so I quickly fixed them. "If you already know then why didn't you confront me about it?"

I wasn't worried much about him knowing I had deep feelings for him. After all, I couldn't pursue him if he didn't know. I was worried that it made him uncomfortable. I just had this overwhelming urge to protect him and be by his side constantly. 

I couldn't fathom why, considering Draco had proved he could protect himself. Or even protect me if the squid incident was any proof.

Draco swam to my side of the bath and rested his elbows on the rim. He smiled at me and for a moment it looked as if he was admiring me. He reached his wet hand out and pushed my glasses back up my nose again. 

"I know things that you don't Harry. I can't blame you for the confusing urges you're feeling. I guess you could say I understand why you do it," he said as he laid his head on his arms and watched me, studied me. That did little to answer my questions and if anything, I now had more.

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