Chapter 22- Love Confession

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If addiction wasn't real what would be your drug of choice?

Draco's P.O.V

After three long torturous days in the Room of Requirement I was finally done with my heat. The siren in me was disappointed that I still hadn't fully mated with Harry, but I was relieved and honestly shocked that I made it through another heat.

I was on my way to breakfast when I noticed everyone staring and pointing at me. For a moment I thought maybe I hadn't fully shifted back to my human appearance and maybe my scales were showing. But after a quick reflection charm, I dismissed it.

Some people were whispering and giggling with each other. Others, very few, were glaring me down with hatred and even jealousy.

What in Merlin's name is going on?

When I reached the Great Hall, I immediately rushed over to the Gryffindor table to find Harry. After so long of not seeing him, I couldn't wait a moment longer. When I caught sight of his unruly hair and his spliced scar, I couldn't help the smile that formed.

"Hey Potter. Did you miss me?" I said with sarcasm. Harry looked up at me and blushed fiercely. 

"Why would you ever think I'd miss you, Malfoy?" Harry said with fake animosity. "I didn't think I'd be able to handle another moment of your terrible Slytherin stench."

Harry pretended to wave away the nonexistent smell. He had a smile on his face.

I sat down next to him as everyone continued on with breakfast. Once everyone was preoccupied with something else, Harry reached under the table and grasped my leg firmly. I jumped and almost yelled out before covering it with a cough. Hermione glanced at us before turning back to Ron.

"Where have you been, Draco?" Harry whispered in my ear. The worry in his voice leaked out without hesitation. "I thought that I'd- after the other night- that you maybe . . . "

"It's ok Potter. Relax. I'm not going anywhere. I just . . . spent a few days with my mother at the manor." I hated lying to him, but I just didn't know how to go about telling the truth.

Harry relaxed in his seat and stared forward. The sun hitting his glasses prevented me from looking into his eyes.

"Oh. Okay. Well next time just tell me if you're leaving. I know it's none of my business but we're . . . friends. And I thought something bad happened to you." Harry looked back at me and squeezed my thigh again. The sensation gave me chills. "I really care about you Draco."

Now I was the one blushing horrendously while Harry was as cool as a cucumber.

But it did make me think a little. Was Harry worried I'd left him because of what happened in Hogsmeade the other day? It was almost laughable. Because it was the exact opposite. I had to leave because I'd come to my senses, and I knew if I stayed any longer there wouldn't have been anything stopping me from allowing Harry to fully mate with me.

I promised myself that Harry would know that we were mates and that I am not exactly human before I let him mate with me. Even though we'd already become fully bonded mates- without Harry's knowledge- I still felt that Harry should know before we went any further. 

I cleared my throat, "Yeah. We are . . . friends." Harry was so close to my face there was no doubt he saw the hesitance at that word. We were definitely not just friends. "Next time I'll write you a letter and tell you where I'm going."

He nodded. We then proceeded to have a long comfortable silence where we simply just stared at one another. Our faces were mere inches apart but that didn't bother Harry in the slightest. Suddenly a small smirk graced his rough lips and his hand- that I'd completely forgot about- slid upwards. 

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