Chapter 43- Bond or Not . . .

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Draco's P.O.V

It'd been a week . . .

A week since our bond was severed by none other than Pansy Parkinson.

A week since I'd last seen Harry.

Though I've only been conscious the past four days- McGonagall had said my core needed a few days to recover from the loss- it feels like it's been far longer. 

A grimace makes its way onto my face as I stare at the breakfast in front of me.

It looks delicious. My stomach growls as I stare down at it and I want nothing more than to eat it.

But just the very thought disgusts me. 

A week ago, food would have been the last thought on my mind if I hadn't seen Harry for this long. If I'd ever gone this long without Harry, I couldn't bring myself to eat. The starvation I would have felt would only be a dull ache in comparison to the longing to have my mate by my side. All thanks to the mating bond.

But now, the bond is gone. In tatters just like any hope I had of being happy.

So now, I'm hungry. So very hungry but I can't bring myself to eat.

The hunger I feel is merely a reminder of what I've lost.

Though its an unbearable reminder I refuse to eat. How can I possibly eat? How can I deserve anything if the mating bond is broken?

This is what I get. This is what I deserve.

Thankfully, I don't have to go to classes. I doubt I'd have the energy anyways. 

I couldn't face Harry even if I did.

McGonagall had demanded I take a break from classes to heal. 

To mourn, she meant.

But what is there to mourn. I don't feel anything.

And I've told McGonagall just that. I feel absolutely fine. In perfect health.

And I hate it.

How could something as precious as our mating bond be so viciously ripped away and not leave a wound? Not even a mark?

It feels like there should be a wound. A gaping hole in my chest, right over my heart. 

The curtains concealing me from the rest of the room are suddenly sliding open. 

Hermione steps through with a sheepish look on her face.

I'd told her I didn't want her to visit any more. That I didn't want any visitors whatsoever. All I want is to rot away in my invisible agony and torture until I can't feel what I've lost. 

But even so, I couldn't force Hermione away.

Not like I've been doing to Harry at least.

"Hey, Dray. Any better today?"

"Well, the mating bond is still gone, and I haven't left my bed in two days. So, everything is going just fabulous. And you?"

Hermione rolls her eyes at my antics. But what did she expect? She'd asked me the same question every day since. 

She struts up to my bed without hesitance. 

"Shift. I just know your scales must be slimy by now." She demands it of me, and it does put a small smile on my face. But the happiness to back it up has been long since lost. 

She summons a bowl of soapy water and a rag. 

I let out a sigh of relief as I flex out my tail- clothes be damned. I didn't have the energy to fight Hermione on this. Or the energy to undress before I complied with her demands.

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