Chapter Nine- Caught

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Harry's P.O.V

A week later, Draco was still missing. Almost as if he had packed his bags and left.

He didn't show up to any classes or any meals.  Nor could he be seen wandering the halls in between classes. Draco had seemingly disappeared. 

Today, I decided I would do something about it. McGonagall had to have known that Draco wasn't showing up to any classes. I would go to her office and talk to her about it today. 

I walked through the empty halls and I shivered involuntarily. The building was cold lately. The sky looked grey and gloomy and it seemed as if it might rain today.

I made my way down several halls before facing the gargoyle statue that would lead me to where I needed to be. I muttered the password and headed inside. 

I was shocked at what I looked at. 

Draco Malfoy was sitting in front of McGonagall as  handsome as ever. 

I blinked and sighed. He was just his same slytherin self. 

I groaned frustratedly and walked up to her desk and slapped my hand down on it. 

"Where have you been?" I questioned angrily.

He looked up at me startled. His skin was pale and he looked sick. He gulped and glanced at McGonagall. His chapped lips parted to utter a response but McGonagall beat him to it.

"Mr. Potter!" McGonagall said exasperatedly. "You will not act so rudely in my office. Now wait outside while I speak to Mr. Malfoy."

I bit my lip anxiously and twisted my fingers in my hands. I smiled at her apologetically and made my way out. Malfoy stared after me intently. I didn't want to part from them. Before I was out of hearing distance I heard Draco's injured voice say, "Him. Harry Potter. Add him to the list."

I gasped at the raspy voice he now had. 

Was he sick? I thought as I walked away.

Draco's P.O.V

"No, Mr. Malfoy." McGonagall spoke quickly. "I asked who you had used your abilities on. I was not asking for a list of your sexual excursions."

I gaped at her. My face was lit on fire by my embarrassment. 

"Well then," I cleared my throat before speaking. I always sounded a bit gravelly lately.  "We should add a few more names to the list."

I tried to act unaffected by how obviously embarrassed I was as I listed off a few more names of students that I had er- practiced my charm on. 

Just when I finished saying all the names I could remember, Potter stormed into the room. He paused his quick paced steps and stared at me with wide emerald eyes. 

He groaned before slapping his hand on the desk and angrily asked, "Where were you?"

I was startled by the attention he was putting on me. My face started to heat up when Potter invaded my personal space. My heart dropped to my stomach when he looked at me with such an intense gaze. 

The animosity in his stare didn't go unnoticed by me as I opened my mouth to retort but McGonagall started to speak.

After I watched Potter leave the room I slumped back in my chair. I ran my fingers through my usually soft but now coarse hair. 

I had not forgotten about Potter's plan to discover my secret all throughout the week I had been away. 

Then I remembered. 

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