Chapter 20- Haze

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If you guys could be any mythical being in the world what would it be?

Draco's P.O.V

It was Wednesday morning and I had decided to take a quick relaxing bath in the prefects bathroom before class started.

But even as the clear water rolled along the silver scales of my tail I couldn't find it in me to fully relax. Ever since Harry had kissed me on Sunday I couldn't stop thinking about it. 

He'd kept his word and we'd become friends. He'd invited me to sit with them during lunch and dinner quite a few times already. No body but the other Slytherins had any qualms about it. I was getting to know Harry in a more close up and personal way. 

The only problem was that he didn't know exactly what he'd done the day he kissed me.

Usually, to accept a mating bond, you had to initiate intercourse with your mate. In which your mate is already aware that they are your mate.

And there was no doubt that Harry just accepted the mating bond. The way our magic intertwined like that, there was no way it could've been anything else. I don't know how he did it or how it was even possible but I'm certain of it. 

The only issue is that Harry had no idea. 

He never acted on his desire for me and since we'd become friends he hadn't acted as if we were anything more than that. He hadn't kissed me again or done anything even remotely sexual. I'd decided to skip breakfast because I couldn't handle being so close to him- knowing that we are fully bonded now- and not showing just how much I wanted him.

Every moment I was with him just gets harder and harder. In more ways than one.

The only thing I could assume was that my heat was approaching. 

And Hermione and I weren't even close to mastering the heat potion yet. We'd already figured out the information we needed to find which ingredients to use. But for some reason every test run we had done ended up in only replicating the effects of my heat. Hermione had to hold me back more than once. 

Hermione had said that it was good that we were making mistakes. That way she could see exactly how I acted when I was in heat and she'd be able to notice the signs and help me not jump Potter's bones if it ever came down to it.

I sighed before sliding down into the transfigured tub. 

I decided to just lazily drift between the waves of the water just below the surface before I had to head to class.


I was thankful that I didn't have potions today. Even the smell of Potter drifting through Hogwarts was killing me. He wasn't even near me. I couldn't focus in any of my classes because all I could think about was how he'd ravage me when we finally did mate. 

Thankfully I'd been preparing for this and I'd already read up on all the topics we'd be covering for the next few days. I couldn't say that I'd taken all of the information in though because I'd been studying with the trio in the library when I'd done that. 

I was slumped down in my chair with my head laying on my arms over the table. I was tiredly fiddling with an origami swan I'd made out of boredom when class finally ended.

I'd only felt more miserable after the bath this morning. I was tired despite having slept very well. I was also so very hungry. Practically ravenous. 

As I descended down the too long staircase at a snails pace my body started aching. When the staircase started shifting in the opposite direction I was heading I couldn't help but groan in annoyance. 

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