Chapter 42- Severed

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Woop woop! Let's get it!

Draco's P.O.V

My head is pounding, and the cold floor has long since pierced through my robes.

I try to get up, to will my limbs to work but they won't. My thoughts are scattered and it's hard just to fight the lull of sleep. 

Something is niggling at the back of my mind, telling me to hurry. To get up. But I can't quite place my finger on why. Why get up? I'm tired. So very tired. It aches just to string together a coherent thought.

Despite the darkness of the cold barren room, my eyes strain as I try to open them.

Where am I?

Why am I here? How did I get here?

Where's Harry?

I jolt awake and as I'm sitting up, thick metal chains clatter. Chains? Yes, chains wrapped around my wrists, where blood is already seeping out. I must have struggled too much in my sleep.

I turn my head to look around and sigh in relief. Harry is here. 

Just as chained up as I am. Fuck.

"Harry?" I whisper.

Though it must have sounded like a scream to him because then he's bolting up in his spot. The chains that have bound him creak and squeal as their limits are tested. But no matter how hard Harry strains to break free, they don't release him.

"Draco? Draco. What's going on? How did we get here?"

I feel myself tremble as fear takes over.

"I- . . . I don't know, Harry. I don't know," I say with a shake of my head.

Is this what it feels like to be so bloody helpless? Is this how Harry felt at the end of every year when he got put in those horrible situations?

Then the room is bathed in light from several sconces on the walls. Every wall is made out of a dirty moss-covered stone. There appeared to be some sort of seance circle carved into the stone of the floor. We were lying directly in the middle of it. The chains that were currently keeping us from escaping were bolted down to the floor. Both of our legs and arms were restrained. 

There is hardly any possibility of escaping. 

"Finally! For a moment there I thought you two would never wake up!" An elated laugh cuts through the musky air.

None other than Pansy Parkinson steps forward out of the darkness.

Harry looks at me just as I start looking at him. He's confused. I am too. For what reason would Pansy Parkinson have to hurt Harry and me?

As if he's approaching a wild animal he says, "Where are we, Pansy?"

Pansy's face distorts into a snarl as she hisses out, "Don't call me that, Potter!" Then she's smiling wildly as she says, "If you must know, we're still at Hogwarts. We're actually directly underneath the fountain in the courtyard. It's quite lovely, isn't it? I found it myself and I've been coming down here ever since."

She runs a single finger down the wall and plays with the dust coating her finger. 

She continues, "I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who knows about this place. After all, if the Weasley twins didn't know I doubt anyone else would!" She throws Harry a taunting look and his eyes narrow at her. How could she possibly know about the map?

"Not only that but it's simply the perfect place! After all-" She takes a few steps forward so she's standing in between Harry and I on the floor. She shuffles her foot toward mine and Harry's conjoined hands- I hadn't even realized we'd been holding hands- and forces them apart with the toe of her shoe.

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