Chapter 35- When The Sky Falls . . .

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Suuuper long chapter but I'm actually really proud of it. Enjoy my lovelies~

Draco's P.O.V

Nearly twenty minutes later I was just about ready to give up.

"You're not gonna figure it out just by running at it like that," Ron chimes in. He doesn't even bother looking up from his quidditch magazine as he says it and it just serves to grate on my nerves.

I run at it once again. Resulting in getting a branch to my knees and getting knocked on my already sore arse. 

A frustrated groan leaves my lips and Ron sighs. The amusement left him about a dozen hits ago. 

"Can't you at least give me a hint, Carrot Head?" 

He turns another page before he says, "Sure. Don't do whatever it is you're doing."

I roll my eyes at him and stand to my feet with my hands on my hips. 

"Tell me, Ron. When the Golden Trio would have their little adventures every year, what purpose did you serve exactly?"

He scoffs and then he finally looks at me. "Are you implying I was useless to them?" I simply raise my eyebrows at him in question and he rolls his eyes. "Well it's not like we had assigned roles or anything."

He pauses with a thoughtful look on his face. "But if I had to say . . . Harry was the leader. Or as you'd say the 'savior'. Hermione was the brains. I guess I was always the sacrifice."

"Sacrifice? What in Merlin's name were you guys doing?" I screech out, bewildered.

He laughs before saying, "No, not like that. I meant I was the one who'd be there just in case. Y'know like the back up. If it was my life or Harry's then who's more dispensable, you know?"

He says it nonchalantly but I couldn't help thinking it was quite sad. 

"Well that's a depressing way to look at it," I say sourly.

He clears his throat and opens up his book again so it hides his face. 

"It was war, Draco. I did whatever I was needed for."

I suppose I could understand that. If I had been on the light side I would've done whatever was asked of me. But being on the dark side was sort of the same. Just without the hope that things would be better if we won. And instead of helping because I wanted to I did it because I had to.

But it was sad that Ron thought of himself as merely, 'more dispensable' than Harry. 

"Well I think that's stupid of you, Ron," I smirk at him as he looks at me with a glare. "But, honestly, that's to be expected when dealing with an idiot of your intelligence."

He slams his book shut and stands up from his seat. 

"That's stupid of me? It was a war how could that be-"

"It's stupid that you think Harry's life is more important than yours. You have a whole family that was waiting on you to come home. Your sister was always perched next to a radio listening for any news. And it's not because she missed her boyfriend. It was because she was worried for her brother. There's all these people that care about you and would be devastated to hear that you sacrificed yourself so Harry could live."

He just stood there staring at me, dumbly. 

"Harry hardly had anybody. If Harry truly had died that day and he didn't come back with his stupid Hero complex, how do you think everyone would've reacted? Would he have had a sister crying for her lost brother? Would he have had a mother begging to have him back? No. Harry didn't have a family to mourn him, Ron."

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