Chapter 16- Mutual Attraction

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Draco's P.O.V

The immense pain did not subside for three days.

I'd tried to relieve myself of the pain on my own but it didn't feel right. I knew it was because nothing I could do to myself could compare to how Harry would make me feel. 

The time I spent alone in the room of requirement gave me plenty of time to think. I still wasn't willing to just hand over my control to Harry and I would still avoid him. But I had accepted that I no longer hated the man.

He'd been kind and accepting of me before I did something to piss him off. Plus I owed him the same after everything I'd done in the war. And even if I had decided to continue hating him it wouldn't have worked out.

How would I have continued lusting after him the way I've been and still hate him?

I might even go as far as to say I actually quite like him. Nothing more than a friend though. I did not have a crush on him or anything. He just had really good personality traits and I enjoyed spending time with him.

And he was very easy on the eyes. With his curly dark hair and emerald eyes. I could feel myself swooning at nothing and I would've been embarrassed if I wasn't still all alone in the room of requirement.

I was enjoying my last few moments of freeing myself from my human form before I told Headmistress Mcgonagall about what had been happening to me the past three days. I'm sure she'd thought I'd just been missing this whole time. Or maybe just skipping classes.

The feeling of the water washing over my silver scales was so soothing. 

Before I could convince myself to just stay another day I pulled myself out of the large pool. It didn't take long to get dressed and head for the door. 

When I delicately slid myself out the crack in the door the last thing I was expecting was for Potter to be waiting for me.

It was early in the morning, about a good hour before classes started and there were no other students out.

Potter made sure to keep a safe distance away this time and held his wand to my face menacingly.

"I think it's about time you tell me what you're up to Malfoy." Potter hissed my name like it was a bitter taste on his tongue. I hadn't realized he'd been calling me Draco the last few times we spoke until I heard how vulgar my last name sounded coming from him now. 

I masked the hurt on my face as quickly as it appeared. I couldn't help the sneer that formed on my face as I spoke, "I'm not 'up to' anything Potter. I'm just trying to go about my day and mind my own business!" Only Potter could get me so fired up over nothing. "Unlike you it seems."

Shock flitted across his features before he angrily stepped closer, shoving his arm against my chest to pin me to the wall. He held his wand to my throat threateningly. But I remained still and waited for him to do as he pleased.

I opposed no threat to the man and I would show him exactly that. There was no reason to be hostile with him anymore. 

"Then what have you been doing in there for three days!? The last time I caught you in the room of requirement you were figuring out a way to let a bunch of death eaters into the school!" He barked at me.

Even when he was overwhelmed in anger and it was directed towards me, I couldn't deny how handsome he looked. Despite the bags under his eyes and his exhausted features.

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