Chapter Four- Crazy

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I wanted to dedicate this chapter to @BunuuBerry for being cool as fuck.

Harry's P.O.V

I spent the rest of the day trying to gather up the courage to tell Hermione.  I was nervous that she would still think that I was wrong and she would tell me that I needed to drop it. 

I refused to let this go.

So here I was. Heading towards the prefects bathroom again.  I know that Myrtle said she would keep an eye out for anything suspicious but I had nothing else to do so I figured why not.

I made it to the door and I still didn't have a password so I just listened quietly for any noise coming from inside of it.  After a few minutes of complete silence and almost dozing off a few times I decided that I should just leave.

Myrtle would tell me if she saw something.

Suddenly a loud girlish scream erupted from behind the door and I recognized it as Myrtle.  Her floating figure fell through the closed door and she set off to the other side of the hall and before I could even process what was happening, she was out of sight.

I heard the whisper of a word being uttered and quicker than lightning I was safely hidden behind the statue of Boris The Bewildered.  Out came Draco, sodding wet, covered by a single towel draped over his waist.

His eyes where swimming with shades of blue and green. I knew I didn't imagine it. I wasn't crazy!

My eyes widened and I gulped. He really was just taking a bath?  Suddenly I saw a single silver glint reflecting in the light.  When I got a little closer it looked like a shiny piece of metal embedded into Draco's calf. 

I took a step closer but I miscalculated the closeness of the statue and stubbed my toe. Hard.  I let out an audible squeak. Malfoy turned sharply in my direction. I held my breathe in anticipation.  

This was it.  The jig was up and Malfoy was finally going to catch me.

Step by step he got closer to discovering my hiding spot. 

Until I heard a loud meow coming from Mrs. Norris. Sitting calmly a few feet from us was an ugly furball that was going to get me into detention. Suddenly, she stood up on all four legs and raced down the hall to fetch Filch.

Now the jig really was up.

I watched as Draco cursed and hurriedly walked back into the prefects bathroom leaving me to fend for myself. I made sure I was completely covered by the invisibility cloak as I raced down the other hall and down to the Gryffindor dormitories.


The next morning I was in a hurry to get to the girls bathroom.  Myrtle knew something and I was determined to find out.

I shoved open the door and I quickly spotted a pacing Myrtle that was quietly murmuring to herself.

"Myrtle! Did you see it?"

She was startled from her trance and she seemed to jump out of her skin.

"Harry! Oh, Harry. It was terrible! There was an evil grey beast lurking in the prefects bathroom and it tried to attack me, Harry!" Myrtle moaned dramatically.

Myrtle pretended to drape herself across my shoulder.

"Er- right. Could you tell me what it looked like?" I asked confusedly. 

I didn't know if Myrtle was serious and had actually seen a terrible beast in the showers or if she was just putting on a good show. Either way I didn't want to offend her in case it made things worse.

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