Chapter 18- Instigator

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I stopped getting high but this has become my new addiction.

Draco's P.O.V

You'd think that since I'd been trying to avoid Potter that I would be drained and completely depleted considering I kind of need him. But it was no issue at all because he was constantly seeking me out.

He was constantly on my arse and not in the way I wanted.

I would just be simply going about my day and he would just come out of nowhere and bombard me with questions and an accusatory glare.

'Why are you talking Neville now?' and 'Why did you apologize to that first year instead of harassing him?' 

It's like the man couldn't believe I had a single kind bone in my body.

Either that or he just wanted another excuse to shove me up against the wall again. Not that I was complaining but the git had no sense of personal space. Anytime he'd interrogate me he always had to get questionably close and almost every time he would touch me for just a little too long.

No matter how hard I tried to avoid him he was always right there. 

It was like he was my loyal dog or something. If either of us was the submissive one it definitely wasn't me. He constantly followed me around every where. 

I don't know if he knew that I knew he was following me or if he was just dumb enough to believe that he really was that sly. The only time I got a moment away from the man was when I left the castle at night to see Grawp- who was learning quite quickly, if you ask me. But even then I swear I could still smell his faint scent.

I would be annoyed if it wasn't for the fact that those little encounters were the only thing keeping me sane.

Every time he questioned me he got more and more aggressive with it. Like he was purposely trying to start a fight with me. 

I'd had enough when he started throwing insults at me randomly. It's like we'd switched places and suddenly he was the bully instead of me. 

It didn't get physical until one boring Thursday afternoon in the Great Hall.

"Hey, Malfoy!" Potter yelled across the Great Hall. "Does the carpet match the drapes? Or are they black like your heart?"

He laughed as if it was the funniest insult he could come up with as he turned to Ron who was trying to remain stoic but couldn't hide a snort. Hermione had her head bowed while covering her face in her hands. She was clearly embarrassed.

I smiled at Potter confidently, "Wouldn't you like to know, Potter."

His laughing ceased and his face became a lovely shade of Christmas red. 

"No I wouldn't actually. I'm not a fag like you are, you prat!" 

Oof. That was a low blow especially for Potter. 

I stood out of my seat slightly angered now. I took a few steps closer as did he.

"Fag or not I still get laid more than you ever will," I responded.

The whole Great Hall was attempting to listen without making it obvious. People were still conversing with their friends but the quick side eyes gave away what they were really giving their attention to.

"Well, I suppose that's true. But that's just because I'm not a hussy like you are," He exclaimed with great arrogance. 

I could see the fire in his eyes and in turn it ignited something within me. 

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