Chapter 38- Christmas Break Part 1

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I'm getting a strong feeling that I might be unsatisfied by this chapter. Edit: never mind I like it.

Harry's P.O.V

The days leading up to Christmas had been uneventful.

I'd been worried that it'd be depressing with an obvious missing family member. But every seat was constantly filled- or over filled. There were so many more people here than the last time I'd spent Christmas with the Weasleys.

Fleur and Bill were here too, with a new bundle of joy to show off. Molly had said that a new face had been just what this family needed. And she was right. Everyone doted over the precious ball of innocence. Except Ginny who swore to Luna that she wouldn't fall victim to the small demon's trap- she couldn't play for the Hollyhead Harpies if she fell pregnant, now could she?

I wondered if that would be Draco and I two years from now. Or even just one year. The thought never failed to make me miss Draco. 

Even now as I sit inside the comfort of the warm home, watching a few others fly outside, I miss him. 

It's like a persistent aching in my heart and no matter how many times I tell myself that Draco is fine, it doesn't really sink in.

Ron stumbles in, breathless. 

"Harry, mate, stop moping about and come fly with us. Don't tell me you miss him so much you can't play quidditch?" Ron says with a teasing laugh.

But I do miss him too much for quidditch. My body feels sore and my limbs are aching. I feel as if I'm merely running on fumes at this point. I'm tired and nothing piques my interest. Not even quidditch. 

"No thanks Ron. I'm just . . . thinking," I respond tiredly. 

At that, Ron comes to sit next to me. Hermione doesn't even bother looking up from her book as she cuddles up to him. My heart clenches and I turn away. Of course, Ron wouldn't get it. He's hardly been away from Hermione.

"Is it about the gift again?" He asks with a smirk and for a moment I think he might know something. "You already sent it- early, might I add- and placed at least a dozen protection charms over it so what else is there to worry about?"

"Nothing I s'pose," I mutter. "I guess I just hope he likes it."

Ron pats my shoulders comfortingly and says with a nod, "He'll definitely like it."

I don't know how Ron knows but he does. And it only sets my nerves off even more.

Tomorrow would be Christmas Eve and I hoped everything would go smoothly with Draco and his mother.


The next morning, the smell of sizzling bacon and blueberry muffins baking in the oven awoke me. 

It smelt delicious but my stomach disagreed. 

I groggily got out of bed and decided I'd go and help Molly prepare breakfast. 

We'd been at it for nearly half an hour before the sun finally rose and even longer until the rest of the family woke up. When I'd finally sat down at the breakfast table- and thanked Molly for everything- I still had no appetite. 

I settled on nibbling a piece of bacon while the rest of the house excitedly conversed with each other. 

I'd noticed that George wasn't nearly as distraught as he'd been the last time I'd seen him. His smile wasn't as wide, and his eyes didn't quite shine like they used to. But he was laughing, and that was enough. 

I smiled happily at the sight of Molly and George talking animatedly together with smiles. Fred's death had hit them the hardest and it seems they'd confided in each other through it all. 

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