Chapter Seven- Gone

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Heyo! I've got four days off again!

Harry's P.O.V

The next morning I tried my best to avoid the stares as I sat down for breakfast.

Again, I sat alone.  But, not even a full five seconds after sitting down, Hermione and Ron were right by my side.

I stared up at them confusedly. Hermione sighed in defeat before sitting down.

"Hey, Harry. I overreacted the other day and I'm sorry.  But I just wanted to tell you that what you did for Draco yesterday was truly brave," Hermione said.

I smiled at her, reassuringly.

"Thank you, Hermione. I'm glad that we're finally talking again," I responded.

Ron ungracefully plopped down in the seat next to Hermione and sighed obnoxiously.

"Oh good. I told Hermione that now was not a good time to reconcile after what Skeeter wrote for the paper but she thought that you would need us now more than ever-" Ron rambled before I cut him off.

"The paper? I haven't seen it yet," I responded.

A feeling of dread overtook me as I pondered on what could've possibly be written on that page. Ron paled and Hermione pursed her lips before pulling out the paper.

I prepared myself for the worst: "Death Eater Malfoy turns Savior to the dark side, Potter helping the enemy?, Draco Malfoy imperiused Harry Potter?" 

But what I saw was something I couldn't have been prepared for.

Harry Potter and His Blossoming Romance With Former Death Eater, Draco Malfoy.

I stared at it in shock and confusion. Blooming Romance? With Malfoy of all people?

I skimmed over the page without reading any of the words. I already knew enough. But when my eyes found the picture pasted at the bottom my heart jumped out of my chest and my eyes bulged. 

The picture was a little dark and blurry but you could easily see two figures. One was against the wall with his head thrown back and as the picture moved you could see his mouth open to let out a noise.  The other man was propping him up against the wall and his body was flush against the others. I watched as the scene played over and over. If you look closely you could see the second figure lean in slightly.

It all looked so sexual.

I shivered at that realization.

It was me and Malfoy outside of Myrtle's bathroom.  I remembered it all so clearly now.  I could remember the whimper from Malfoy that was displayed in the picture.  I could remember the heat of his body against mine. 

I closed my eyes and swallowed.

This looked bad.

Before I was driven completely insane by the article, it was ripped out of my hands. I looked up at a blushing Ron as he spoke.

"Hey listen, mate. I understand and I accept you if you're into dudes," He declared bravely and unblinkingly. My heart swelled and my lips formed a smile at his words even if they were unneeded. I wasn't gay and this was all just a misunderstanding. 

The air was knocked out of Ron in one swift move as Hermione smacked his chest.

"Ron! You can't just say that. We don't even know if this is true or not. Are you gay Harry?" Hermione responded quickly.

I chuckled at her failed attempt to fix Ron's mistake.

"No, guys. I'm not gay. Especially not for Malfoy," I grimaced. "This picture is very misleading. I only pinned Malfoy because he did it to me first and we were fighting."

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