Chapter 10- Surrender

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Okay, be honest guys, do the new chapters suck?

Harry's P.O.V

My head ached and my teeth chattered from the cold. 

I squinted my eyes before opening them finally. Everything was so blurry and dark. But one thing was clear. There was an angelic looking face in front of me and small stars danced all around his head. 

My heart felt like it was beating out of my chest.

The man started speaking but the words were so quiet I could barely hear him.

". . . Potter. Scared, Potter?" His voice was soft and calm. He was worried. My vision focused and the angel in front of me was just Draco. The stars dancing around him was actually fresh snow falling to the ground.

"You wish," I rasped out.

He smirked his notorious Malfoy smirk and my heart did an excited flip.

He really did look like an angel with all this snow and his slightly reddening skin. A single snowflake settled on his cheekbone and did not melt. I reached my hand to brush it off but I was shocked by the bitter coldness of Draco's skin.

Draco was shivering and . . . half naked? 

Startled, I lurched off the frosted ground and my head immediately started pounding. I groaned and touched my forehead. When I looked back at my fingers, blood coated them like a thick syrup.

"You . . . you threw a rock at me!"

Draco looked startled by my outburst. His lips pouted in anger and his eyebrows furrowed. 

"You startled me!" Malfoy yelled at me.

I scoffed and gestured towards him. "What are you bloody doing out here like that anyways! It's freezing!"

Malfoy hesitated and stepped back. He closed his eyes and let out a breath of air and it drifted away like a cloud. He was still shivering.

I pursed my lips before deciding. I quickly took off my jacket and placed it over Draco's slim shoulders. He looked oddly skinny and not nearly the same as when I had seen him walk out of the prefects bathroom a while back. He looked sad and fragile.

I found the invisibility cloak and wrapped him up in it like a blanket. 

He was still shivering and I wrapped my arm around him. I made sure I had my wand and all my other belongings before heading back inside with Draco by my side. He wasn't shivering but he had a grimace on his face. Probably from being handled like a child by me.

I brought him to the first place I could think of. I sat him down on a bed in the infirmary and wrapped him a blanket. I took out my wand and he flinched when I pointed it at him. 

He relaxed when he heard a heating charm. 

He sighed at the warmth and I walked over to him and sat at the edge of his bed.

"I'm fine, Potter. You don't need to check my temperature or anything," He said. He rolled his eyes and shifted around a little.

"Sod off, Malfoy. I'm staying with you until Pomfrey shows up so might as well get comfortable," I responded. 

He bit his lip and stared at my forehead. He hopped off the bed and dropped his blankets to the floor and clad in only his boxers he started searching in cabinets.

I stared at his back in confusion. I was about to question him when he turned around with some disinfectant wipes, antibacterial cream, and band-aids. I was still confused.

Until he set them down next to my lap and ripped open the disinfectant wipe. He hesitated and glanced at me for a second before softly dabbing the wipe against my forehead. When he finished he grabbed my chin and lifted my head up to examine his work. 

"Hm. There was a lot of blood but only a small cut. You won't die, Potter," he said. Obviously.

He spread the clear cream over the cut and gently positioned the band-aid over it.

As soon as he was done I nudged him with my hand to move him out from the space in between my legs. I grabbed the blanket and tossed it over him and gestured for him to sit on the bed. I sat on the chair next to him. 

We sat in a comfortable silence. Both of us choosing to ignore whatever just happened. 

Draco made a noise and I looked up to see that he was staring back at me. His hand darted out and ripped the band-aid off. 

"Ouch! Could've warned me!" I whisper-shouted. I didn't want to destroy the peace that had enveloped us.

Draco stared at me quietly before clearing his throat and saying, "Sorry."

He took out his wand and whispered a quiet, "episkey."

He leaned towards me and examined my forehead.

His eyebrows raised a little before he tapped the scar on Harry's head. 

"Well, hopefully your fans will still recognize you without your infamous scar," Draco muttered sarcastically. 

I felt the place where my scar still was but I felt a fresher scar cutting it in half. Draco conjured up a mirror and handed it to me. There was a light pink scar running through the white lightening bolt scar. 

Hm. I thought. Strange for an 'episkey' to leave a scar. Malfoy probably messed it up. I shrugged it off.

Draco's P.O.V 

A scar?

No, that's not right. An 'episkey' shouldn't leave a scar. Most healing charms don't. Unless it's a fatal kind of injury.

I brushed it to the back of my mind.

I sighed and got comfortable. It was going to be a long night in the infirmary. With the heating charms Harry cast on me and the blanket wrapped around me, I was as comfortable as I had ever been.

When I woke up, Potter left quickly and Pomfrey took his place.


Not a fan of this chapter.

But alas, I am too high to care.

954 words

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