Chapter 41- The Truth Will Set You Free

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So . . . ya'll ever heard of quantum jumping?

Harry's P.O.V

After furiously stomping down the urge to pleasure Draco, we'd finally settled down a little.

It was hard trying to ignore my unquenchable thirst for him when he was completely bare in front of me, dripping wet inside the makeshift pond. But the urgency in his voice and the blossoming concern inside of me made it manageable. 

Draco looked as if he'd suddenly taken on the stress of thousands of people as he looked up at me through his anxious- still slightly fogged over- eyes. 

I was growing more and more worried the longer he stayed silent. 

Usually, Draco held an air of confidence and relaxation when he was in his pond. But his body language was portraying a completely different story. 

"Draco . . . what is it?" I ask uncertainly. 

At this point I'm not sure I really want to know. 

He averts his eyes before letting out a long sigh. I don't think he really wants to tell me either. 

"I- I love you," he says. I know it's not what he needs to tell me because the certainty in his voice is not at all what's making him uneasy as he says it. "Kiss me."

I comply instantly and I lean down to place my lips against his. If feels like he's pouring his whole heart and soul into this kiss. Our mouths mesh together perfect, and it feels just as great as the first time I kissed him in the hallway when we'd agreed to be friends.

But something is different. It's slow yet desperately urgent. It's needy but not at all because he wants more. 

It feels like a goodbye. Like he thinks this will be our last kiss. 

He doesn't pull away. Not for a long while. He keeps going in for more and I let him. As if the moment he does pull away, it will be all over.

When he finally does pull away, his eyes are half-lidded with lust, but the worry is still there. Merely an inch or two apart, I place my hand on the smooth pale skin of his cheek. He leans into the touch and truly relishes in it. 

He closes his sea blue eyes as if looking into my green eyes is causing him pain. 

"Do you remember . . . that secret I needed to tell you?" I nod.

He inhales deeply before exhaling sharply. 

"I think I'm just going to come right out and say it." 

One beat passes. Then two. Then another and another until I'm certain that he's not going to just 'come right out and say it.' 

"I'm . . . not human. I'm a Siren, Harry," he says guiltily as he averts his eyes. As if he's ashamed.

"Oh, love. That's all? I already knew that. I was so worried something was wrong. Don't scare me like that Draco."  

I try to be nonchalant, but I knew this would come up soon and I can't help the smirk that makes its way on my face as Draco's eyes widen. 

"You- you knew! When? How!? For how bloody long?" And then he's wading through the relaxing waters with a contemplative look, "But I thought I was being so careful."

A laugh bubbles out of me at that. 

"You don't remember?" I say. He looks at me with furrowed brows and a tilt of his. He hasn't the slightest clue what I'm referring to. 

"You told me-"

"I most certainly did not," he quickly says, defiantly. 

"Alright, then. You showed me. You said exactly this, 'You want to know what I'm hiding so bad, then fine. I'll show you.' Then you drug me out to the Black Lake and showed me. Remember? Merlin, and I was the one who was obliviated."

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