Chapter Six- Sickly

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Oh geez! Sorry dudes, I didn't mean to not update for a few months. I ran out of weed and the motivation to keep living. Lmao!

Draco's P.O.V

I don't know what possessed me to tell Potter what my secret was. I have no clue why I thought I should do that.  

Part of me thought that if I showed him then he would finally leave it alone and the other thought that if I showed him he would run away screaming with his metaphorical tail between his legs.

But something I didn't plan on happening was my other side taking over and basically drowning him.

All I thought about when I saw Potter looking into the water as if it were a pensieve he was preparing to explore was that I needed to mate. 

'Need him. Want him,' were the words ringing through my head when I dragged him under.  I'm not surprised. After all, my species are quite the sexual beings.

I definitely regret showing him. Hence the reason why I erased his memory.  I was just so mad at him that I got caught up in the moment and didn't think about it first.

I felt Pansy's presence next to me as she sat down.  She loaded her breakfast plate with food.

I sighed and dropped my head into my hands.

Pansy ignored my silent pleas for someone to talk to. Like always.  Ever since the war she hasn't really wanted to talk.  Blaise was usually the one I would talk to about my boy problems but he chose to not come back for eighth year.  That probably was a good thing considering I wouldn't be able to keep my secret from him.

Chills danced on my spine as Potter walked into the Great Hall. 

He looked utterly exhausted.  But not once did he look in my direction.

Is it pathetic of me to wish he would?

Harry's P.O.V

The more I thought about my dream the more confused I got.  

It didn't feel like a dream.  It felt different, and amazing. Scary but somehow beautiful.  I couldn't quite grasp what it was that I saw but I couldn't get the feeling of seeing it out of my head.

I looked up for only a second to see where I should sit.  It probably wasn't a good idea to be sitting with Hermione and Ron at the moment.  I was so caught up in my thoughts that I wouldn't want to worry them. 

I decided to sit a few seats away from Neville. Close enough to not seem alone but far enough to be able to think in peace.

I looked down at my plate and decided I wasn't very hungry.

I looked around the Great Hall in need of a distraction.  My heart skipped a beat when I noticed Malfoy was staring straight at me. I felt my face heat in embarrassment.  He looked at me almost glaringly.  His brows were furrowed and his chin was propped up on the knuckles of both of his fists.  

His lips were plump with a pout.  I glared back but he made no reaction.

It was almost as if he was merely looking through me. Simply staring at me without even noticing it.  

His eyes held no color other than their sad grey.  I sighed in disappointment.

If only I could get some more information on what Myrtle saw then I might be able to figure out what Malfoy was up to.

I rose from my seat and darted towards the entrance of the Great Hall.  Out of the corner of my eye I saw Malfoy shake himself out of his reverie.

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