Chapter 23- Collision

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Do you guys believe fairies exist? I've seen some questionable videos lately.

Draco's P.O.V

Harry side smacked straight into the beam, and it snapped in half. The sound of the wood breaking echoed all throughout the quidditch field. 

I regretted following so closely behind when I, too, collided with Harry. The force made the both of us go flying. We hit the ground with a thud.

I swear I felt my wrist pop. 

With a pained groan I lifted myself up, supporting my body with my arms. Once the dirt settled, I opened my eyes to find Harry directly under me. He smiled at me with the goofiest grin he could muster. We were a mere inch or two apart.

"Fuck. You git, Harry. Are you Ok?" I asked him with concern. He nodded and set his hands on my lower back. He broke my fall so he must be in a lot of pain.

But Harry just smiled like an idiot. 

I couldn't stop the blush that appeared on my face. He was studying me so closely; I couldn't help it. His hands were preventing me from moving. I was stuck in his lap as he stared at every centimeter of my face. My eyes, cheekbones, to my nose, and ever so slowly, to my lips. 

Suddenly a light chuckle erupted from his smiling face.

"What are you laughing at, idiot!" I exclaimed. But his smile was infectious. I dropped my hand over his face and lifted up, so I was sitting straight up in his lap, still not getting up. "You just crashed on your broom, Harry! We broke the beam. Now the whole tower is on the verge of collapsing! What is so funny?"

While still laughing he lifted himself up onto his arms and wrapped one arm around me. With a smirk, he showed me his right hand. In it, sat the golden snitch.

"Harry, Draco!" Hermione shouted as she ran through the tarp covering the inside of the stand. Behind her, Ron and Ginny followed. I quickly stood up and brushed the dirt off of me. Harry stood too but he winced slightly. 

"Harry, are you ok?" Hermione asked, worriedly. She didn't wait for him to answer as she started searching for bruises or broken bones. When she ran her hands along his torso he winced at a specific spot. "You've broken a rib!"

Hermione quickly cast a healing spell. Harry held up the snitch with a wide smile. 

"I won," he said with a cocky smirk.

Ginny scoffed and shook her head but laughed, nonetheless. 

"That was totally unfair! I demand a rematch. But something other than quidditch this time!" I proclaimed while looking at Harry. Harry folded his arms and looked at me with a smirk. 

"Sure, Malfoy. What did you have in mind?" Harry said, fully believing he'd beat me at anything if he tried hard enough. Honestly, he might. 

I wracked my brain for something I'd inevitably beat Potter with. 

Oh, I know!

"Swimming," I quickly proclaimed. But then my stomach twisted in knots as I realized what I'd said.

"Alright then. A swimming race. Tonight, at the black lake. We'll meet just after curfew."

Harry grabbed my hand and pulled me along as he walked out from the leaning tower. My heart skipped a beat at Harry holding my hand so nonchalantly.  I glanced back at Ginny to see if maybe she was upset. But she was idly chatting with her brother, not even bothering to look this way.

We walked our way off of the quidditch filed and back up to the castle.

'He's still holding my hand,' I thought.

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