Chapter 29- Wait For You

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WARNING: This chapter will contain explicit scenes. Not everyone is comfortable with this so I will mark where it starts and where it ends.

Draco's P.O.V

When a drenched Harry emerged from the water I couldn't hold in my laughter. His glasses were crooked and water was dripping down his face.

Before Harry had a chance to right himself, Dennis sprung up like a jack-in-the-box and made a run for it. 

I was still taking in the view of a dripping wet Harry. The laughter died on my lips once he stood up. His white button up was completely soaked through, and it left little to the imagination. 

Harry shook his head and droplets of water went flying. Once he'd fixed his glasses he looked up at me with a smirk. My heart skipped a beat when I saw the look in his eyes. 

Suddenly I was being dragged along by a cackling Dennis. "Run, Draco, run!"

I gulped at the mischievous glint in Harry eyes and scrambled backwards like I'd seen a ghost before taking off for the castle. 

Dennis was far ahead of me and I grumbled to myself about how I'd be taking the fall for his little prank if Harry caught up. Once the main entrance doors flew open it was a wild goose chase.  

Students stopped in their tracks to watch a sodding wet Harry chase after me. Luckily, I was quicker than Harry was. I dodged students and weaved my way in and out of different corridors.

By the time Harry was close enough to be concerning, we were both struggling to catch our breaths. The hysterical laughter echoed through the empty corridor and it only made us laugh harder.

I was having more fun than I'd had since I was a child.

But too soon, Harry caught me. 

He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back into his arms. I was laughing so hard I wasn't sure I'd be able to hold myself up if Harry wasn't doing it for me. When my laugher became manageable, I looked down at Harry who was looking back at me with so much adoration in his eyes. 

His arms were wrapped around my waist, and we were jammed together so tight that my arms were stuck between us. I laid my palms flat against his chest and admired Harry closely. As he looked up at me with a wide grin on his face, I realized I'd fallen right into his trap.

Harry might not have the power to charm his way into people's trousers like I did but I was having a hell of a hard time believing that right now.  He was still soaked, and water droplets decorated his hair and his skin like gems gleaming in the afternoon light.

The look in his eyes was cloudy with want.

As I took in my surroundings for a quick moment, I didn't fail to notice that we were the only two in this corridor. Harry must have came to the same conclusion. 

I didn't know whether to be excited for what came next or be absolutely terrified. And as the scent of Harry's arousal hit my sensitive nose I couldn't help but feel like the little lamb that had been caught by the lion.

I wanted to cringe at the thought of referring to my proud Slytherin self as a lamb but it was clear that I was not the predator in this situation. 

Harry's whole demeanor changed after he took a strong whiff of the air. My embarrassment increased tenfold as I realized that yes, he could smell me the way I smelt him. And, yes, he knew exactly what was going on below the belt. 

All fun and games left the building after that. Harry slammed me into the closest wall and his lips pressed down against mine. 

WARNING: sexual content.

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