Chapter 12- My Saviour

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Sorry I haven't updated in so long! Party season started and you know ya girl ain't missing a party!

Harry's P.O.V

Draco was brought out of his reverie and glanced up from the ground to look at me.

He was as white as paper and he seemed to be shivering even though the cold didn't even penetrate our robes. His eyes turned glossy and he solemnly nodded his head. 

Suddenly he cleared his throat and straightened. "Well, get on with it, Potter."

He sneered at me. And just like that the Malfoy facade was back in place. Malfoy strutted ahead of me. I stared after him for a quick moment before following along.

The moon was bright and full and for a moment I wondered if Remus was doing OK before realizing my mistake. A sharp pang erupted in my chest. It's always moments like this when I forget that he's really gone.

The farther into the Forbidden Forest we got, the harder it got to see the moon. Thick trees that towered over us covered every part of the clear sky. It was eerily quiet and not even the sound of twigs snapping could be heard.

I always liked the peace and quiet the forest brought but tonight I felt a panic that didn't feel entirely my own. 

The thing that made the quiet more terrifying was the fact that I knew that there were many creatures out here simply lurking in the shadows. One could even be standing right next to me.

With that thought I quickly jerked my head to look beside me- just in case- and I was startled to find that Draco had stopped moving and was now sitting on the forest floor with his knees pulled up and his head in his hands. 

"Er- Draco? Are you- uh Ok?" I asked him awkwardly. 

I mentally cursed at myself for being complete shite at comforting people.

"Draco?" I asked once more.

I stepped closer to him and he started gently swaying back and forth. As I got closer I heard the quiet whimpers emitting from Draco.

"I can't see the light," he whispered it so quietly I almost didn't hear it.

I bent down to Draco's level and on extinct my arms encased Draco's shaking frame. The hug was awkward. Of course it would be, I was hugging my enemy. But somehow it felt very right.

Draco's shaking ceased and his whimpers stopped, just like that. 

"Draco, I can't hear you. Can you please speak up for me?" I asked him in my gentlest voice. 

He sniffed once before mumbling, "I can't see the light."

My brows furrowed in thought before realizing what he meant. In one swift motion I picked Draco up off the floor bridal style before swaying slightly from his weight. Draco let out a shriek and he gripped onto my shoulders tightly in fear that I would drop him. He laid a quick slap across my shoulder and he forced a weak glare.

He looked better but he was obviously still panicking.

I'm glad that he didn't feel as skinny as he looked. He always looked so frail and small. The only times I could recall him looking fierce or even slightly scary this past year were when his eyes morphed into the colors of the sea. Something about that look made him seem dangerous. 

As I stepped over fallen branches and on dead leaves I realized that Hagrid was long gone.  He must have not noticed when Draco and I stopped. That's fine. He wouldn't have let me take Draco somewhere else anyways. 

We finally reached a familiar clearing and I just couldn't quite remember why I recognized it. I sat Draco near a very large looking rock. He stared straight ahead as he thought to himself quietly. He looked very troubled. He also looked very flushed and I wondered if maybe he'd caught a cold.

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