3. The List

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You came closer to the door to Haeresys. It was rather elaborate for a door to an underground arena. Though the door's intricacy was probably the reason Dottore was always begging Pantalone for money.

That's what Scaramouche would tell you anyways.

You pushed open the door to reveal a large, spiral staircase down.

Archons above. These stairs will be the death of me if im not exectued first.

You wondered how the very impaitent doctor was capable of walking down so many stairs just to watch his subordinate's experiments fail time and time again.

There were blue flame candles which provided a small amount of light to the narrow staircase and iron handles lining one side. If you weren't holding your box you would've grabbed onto them as the stairs were rather steep.

You had finally reached the bottom which led to a long passage lit with torches. At least you could see slightly better now.

Walking through the passage you came to a large circular room with iron railings and stone pillars lining a smaller circle, one could assume this was one of the viewing platforms for experiments.

You looked around the room hopelessly looking for where your office may be. On the right side of the room your eyes landed on a small door with a glass window and a plaque above it.

You walked over and looked at the plaque.

"Mister Krupp"

However, those words had been scribbled over in black marker and wirtten on top was your name.

How classy.

You turned the door handle and walked inside, it was actually quite cozy. In the centre of the room there was an oak desk, where you placed your box. You'd unpack later if you had the chance.

After your box was placed down you looked at the note.

500 mora
5 cryo crystalfly cores
10 white iron
7 gears
3 chaos circuits

Oh for fucks sake.

You could easily do the first two. The third one would be slightly more difficult. As for the last two, you were screwed.

You knew of a few blacksmiths nearby, but there was no way in all of Celestia anyone around here would sell ruin guard parts, that was for sure. Which meant you would have to find and fight at least 3 ruin guards if not more.

You looked around for a clock and found one sitting above the door.


6 hours. There was a chance it would be doable, but you couldn't be sure. The longer you sat and worried about what you were going to do, so you would have to go now and worry on the way.

You had 2,500 mora on you so that was enough to cross off the first and third items on the list. After all white iron was 500 mora per five pieces for any fatui soldier.

So now you focused on the crystalflies for the time being. There was a statue of the seven in the courtyard outside the palace where they could readily be found, and so that's where you went first


smh dottore making us do ur dirty work
btw i havent proofread this so srry for any mistakes or if its hard to read in any parts

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