Valentines Day Special

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☆Disclaimer: this chapter is not connected to the main story line, there is also some graphic description in this chapter.☆

"Good morning love," Prime spoke from behind his desk.

You closed the door behind you and took a sip of the coffee in your hands, "Hello," You passed the coffee to Prime, you had made it not long ago for him anyways.

"You litterally just drank my coffee infront of my face and then passed it to me."

"Is there a problem with that?"

"I worry for you, every day I wonder how you can possibly have lived as long as you have, with the intelligence you posses."

"You would be surprised how smart I am, have you ever read and of the papers I wrote during the Akademiya?"

"Should I?" He said taking ahold of the coffee.

"No, I am deeply ashamed of the writing and I could have done so much better, but still! They were good in theory not in practice."

"Fair enough. Anyways its midday already, I believe Omega wants to see you, he's in one of the labs," Dottore explained.

"It's midday?" You exclaimed, "Why didn't anybody come to wake me up?"

Prime shrugged.

"What is Omega doing anyways? And why does he want to see me?

"Who knows, he's probably experimenting again,"

"Human experimentation or machine experimentation?" You asked trying to prepare yourself for what you might see.

"It could be anything. As for why he wants to see you, I guess you'll have to speak to him to find out."

"Where abouts is he?"

Prime simply shrugged once again and ushered you out of his office, you noticed that this area was completely empty, not even Ténèbres was around. You walked through the door to the lab Prime had shown you around and noticed it was once again empty, there was a door across from you that was left slightly ajar. You heard ripping sounds and muffled screams coming from the door, you took a deep breath to prepare yourself and opened the door.

You saw Omega standing over a body, their chest wide open and several pieces of equipment stuck into their flesh. Omega raised a scalpel and cut into what looked like their stomach and the person screamed in horror as blood splattered across Omega. You were surprised the person was still alive nevermind awake, but you were fairly certain they had an outstanding amount of drugs coursing through their veins at the moment.

"Ugh so inconsiderate, I should gouge out your vocal cords along with your heart for that display. Imagine getting blood all over the person trying to help you." Omega grumbled to himself wiping the blood from his face and mask.

"Uh, Omega? Prime said you wanted to see me?" You spoke rather loudly in the hopes it would grab his attention.

He turned quickly to face you, "I wasn't expecting you so early,"

"It's midday, according to Prime anyways," You said.

He pulled a pocket watch from his pants and rubbed the blood off with his sleeve, "Oh, it is," He began to look around frantically, "Go wait outside for just a moment, I will get this cleaned up and then I will be right out."

He rushed off into a room off to the side and you left the room yourself. You were rather confused, but glad you weren't covered in blood. As you left the room you saw 253 and Petit Loup speaking to one another in whispers, laughing every now and then.

Your love will be the death of me [Dottore x gn!reader]Where stories live. Discover now