15. Café

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Ténèbres led you to the café he had mentioned the day before, he seemed rather excited about you joining him.

That was, until you walked in and saw Pantalone talking to a waiter there.

He turned around to face the two of you and you bowed out of respect for the Ninth Harbinger.

"One of Il Dottore's segments, and his new assistant. What a pleasure to see you both here." The rich man commented whilst looking you both up and down.

"Pants. What are you doing here?" By the way he spoke, you could tell Ténèbres was fed up of everything today.

"Ahem. It's Pantalone, and I'm here for a nice hot chocolate. Is there a problem with that, Doctor?" He was smiling but his tone of voice was anything but happy.

To Pantalone's question The Doctor simply grumbled before dragging you to the counter to look at the sweet treats on display, they had everything from waffles to cakes to pastries. You picked out two very tasty looking treats and a hot chocolate, Ténèbres told you to sit down whilst he ordered, so you went away and found a cozy seat by the window.

After a few minutes Ténèbres came back with everything you had ordered, he sat down and sighed heavily.

"I should appologise, I didn't expect for today to go the way it has, from Prime to the bastard you had to arrest to Pantalone, your day has been awful,"

You shook your head whilst taking a sip of your hot chocolate, "It's actually been alright, I mean sure there has been some bumps along the way, but it's really fine! I'm just glad we were still able to come to this café, very good suggestion by the way," you smiled at Ténèbres and he smilled back.

The two of you sat in comfortable silence for a little while, before you began to make small talk, "So, you know when you're not working, is there anything you like to do?"

Ténèbres thought for a moment, then said, "Actually, when we first came to Snezhnaya, we liked to crochet, and by we, I mean younger me," you stared at him in disbelief, this was one of the most feared men in all of Teyvat, and he used to crochet?

"Really? You really don't seem like the type if I'm being totally honest, what sort of things did you like to crochet?"

"You won't believe me if I tell you,"

"Try me."

"Stuffed animals."

Your disbelief could be seen from a mile away.

"I told you, you wouldn't believe me." He said laughing slightly, "Oh and epsecially after my time in Sumeru, I would crochet Aranara from time to time."

Now I want one. If he doesn't make me a crochet animal I may cry.

"You know I would if I had the time, but it has quite litterally been years since I did it last, so I doubt I still remeber how."

Tears are forming Ténèbres. Actual tears.

"Alright, alright. What about you?"

"Oh I write quite a bit in my spare time, not as surprising as your crochet secret, but you know, we aren't all you" you spoke playfully and The Doctor laughed at your words.

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